CH 6: The Siren On Mulberry Street

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~ New York, 1918 ~

It was November in New York, which meant a lot of big fur coats and snug cozy hats. Winter was approaching and Esme could feel the cold air on her skin. She walked in her brown fur coat and black hat that fit tightly around her head. She loved the city. There was no place she rather be. Her heels clicked along to the sounds of horses trotting up and down Mulberry Street, the town that she was born in. She approaches her father's bar where she sees a horse tied up with its carriage out front. She smiles and approaches it, noticing it backing up and tensing its body. She reaches out and softly pets it's snout, "Shhhh, woah boy, I'm not gonna hurt you." She says softly, smiling while staring into the creature's eyes. She could see her green eyes staring back at her through his dark brown. She smiles. "You're so pretty. I hope you have a good day~" She chuckles before walking away and entering her father's bar.

Esme's father, Frank, was the owner of Luciano's bar on the corner of Mulberry and Canal street. The neighborhood had a high Italian population, mostly immigrants looking for work. Some chose to make their own work, business, so to say, and although her father did own a bar - he was also one of the most respected men in the neighborhood. People would often come to him for money (or favors) but either way, they respected him. Everyone looked out for Frank and his girls, and no one dared come near the two dolls in fear of what their father's friends would do. Esme wasn't naive, she was smart enough to know that her father had a hand in the organized crime in the neighborhood, but there was nothing she could do about it - so why bother getting upset?

She walks into her father's business and walks up to the bar, putting her purse behind the counter and removing her coat. She hung it over a nearby chair. She was wearing a long sleeved burgundy dress with black lace trim along the edges. The color reminded her of blood, but not the type of bright red blood you would see on a body, the dark crimson type that you would see first hit the air before turning lighter in appearance. She smiles at a male patron sitting at the table watching her, "Hey Jim, how ya doin'?" She smiles.

"I'm doing fine, Esme. It's good to see you." He smiles. Again, Esme wasn't stupid, she knew he was taking her frame in - especially with that dress. She ignored the repulsive feeling it gave her and walked downstairs to find her father. For once she just wished that a guy would actually show interest in what she was saying, or just show interest in being...a gentleman? There ain't no such thing. She thinks as she comes down the last couple of stairs and turns into her father's office. "Hiya, Pop!" She smiles as she leans on the doorframe.

"Oh, Rose!" He smiles, getting up from his desk, "My my am I glad to see you." He motions her over for a hug, and she happily trots over embracing him.

"You saw me this morning. Don't tell me you missed your favorite child already?" She smiles.

He laughs, "Now now, you know I love both of my girls equally." He shakes a finger back and forth playfully, "No, I was wondering if you would like the opportunity to sing at the bar tonight. You have such a lovely voice and Agatha called out sick, so we need another entertainer."

Esme's eyes widened, "I - I've never performed for people before. Only singing around the house doing housework and whatnot." She looks nervous.

"My dear," He begins. He takes her face in his hands, "You have the voice of an angel. You could easily enchant any man you want with that voice. Why not use it to attract more people to the family business." He taps her throat, "After all, I  gave you that gift - did I not?"

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