CH 13: Spinning Record

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It had been days since Alastor had last seen Esme, and his mind was starting to torment him with reminders of his actions in that kitchen. Those three haunting words that left her lips, and his deafening response to her. He walks into the radio station, takes the elevator up a few floors, and walks to his office. "Greetings, Eleanor." He smiles at his secretary as he unlocks his office door.

"Good Afternoon, Mr. Hartfelt." Eleanor smiles, looking up from her notebook. She was young, had short blonde hair with dark brown eyes. She stands up and follows him into his office, "You have a couple of meetings today..." She begins, "Of course your usual broadcast starts at 3 per usual." She says, "and I -"

"Eleanor," He interrupts, "would you do me a favor and cancel those meetings?" He says, taking off his coat and placing it on the rack, "I need some time to clear my head before the broadcast. Reschedule them to next week, that should be fine." He says, placing his bag on his desk and turning the light on in the office.

"Absolutely..." She says, looking at him with concern, "Is there anything else I can do to help?" She asks, walking closely.

Nothing you can help with. "No dear, that will be all - thank you." He says, sitting down at his desk and beginning to unpack his bag. She nods and exits the office, closing the door.

As she leaves, Alastor spins around in his desk chair. He places a jazz record on the player and leans back in the seat, putting his feet up on the windowsill. He sighs and takes out a cigarette, lighting it and takes a drag, leaning his head back as he exhales. He looks outside the window, watching people walking down the streets. He has a perfect view of the park where he sliced up that man. He smirks smugly and continues to smoke.

If you love that one, you're the fool.

Yet, was he? There she was on his countertop, sitting perfect with her legs on either side of him, looking down at him with those burning green eyes. She was perfect. He remembered how soft her skin felt pressed up against him, her small whimpers having him seconds away from his hands gripping her throat and ravishing her. The thought has him lost in a trance until one of the embers from the cigarette falls on his lap, burning him. He jumps and pats his leg, sighing in desperation. He didn't know what this feeling was. He had never had such a magnetic pull to another person before, and the thought frightened him if he was being honest. He was scared of losing control over himself, of totally giving his being to someone else. He needed to be in control at all times and this would surely be his downfall. The hours passed as he remained in deep thought, tapping his foot against the window. He glanced over at the clock.

Ten to three. Might as well get ready.

He swings back around to his desk and gathers his papers together, standing up and heading to the door. He opens it and walks out, heading down the hallway to the broadcasting room.

Meanwhile, Esme is home cleaning her living room. She has the radio on a low volume, humming to herself as she sweeps the floor. She bends down and removes the rug, taking it outside to beat the dirt off, as she comes back inside she hears a familiar voice.

"Salutations, good to be back on the air!"

Alastor's cheery voice carries through the radio. Esme smiles softly, but in a reminiscent way - sad even. She bends down to the floor and begins to sweep where the rug once was.

"It's your truly coming live from my lovely radio station. We have a lot of exciting topics to discuss this afternoon, most important starting with our ever growing crime's as if a poison has spread throughout this city, bringing crime and violence everywhere you look, infecting the most innocent of souls, and becoming more potent with each passing day. I remind you all to be mindful and respectful to one another, after all, you never know who could be behind these mysterious killings." He smirks from his microphone, unknown to the listeners.

Esme chuckles softly as she lays the rug back out and positions the coffee table over it, dusting the glass.

"Now, in a completely unrelated note, the paper reports the discovery of yet another body found this time in the town park. That's right, in the center of town! How strange..." He says, "May God have mercy on the poor man's soul." He has to keep himself from laughing on the air, "In other news..."

A half hour passes as Esme finishes up her cleaning and turns to the radio, contemplating turning it off so she could get ready for her performance tonight. She needed ample time to have herself a nice bubble bath, relaxing in the water always made her feel so content and safe.

"Before I leave you all today, please allow me to depart with a song. After all, you know it wouldn't be a show without a tune to bid farewell to. This time, it's one very near and dear to me, so I truly hope you all enjoy it."

Esme reaches for the knob when she hears a familiar tune. It's luxurious and jazzy, and brings her right back to the kitchen, smelling the cooking and the light fire burning.

Never thought that you would be

Standing here so close to me

There's so much that I feel

That I Should say

But words can wait until

Some other day

Esme's hand drops from the knob, her eyes widen as her breath gets stuck in the back of her throat. Her heart slowly begins to pick up speed in her chest, leaving her feeling a tad bit lightheaded. Is he doing this on purpose?

And he was, he knew she was listening. She always did. He sat there with his microphone off, with his chin resting in his hand, tapping his foot to the tune. He quickly gets lost in the melody, remembering her light humming as her skin shined beautifully underneath the kitchen light. He knew it was only a matter of time before he snapped, and while that thought made his skin crawl with dread, it also excited him very much. This was going to be a fun ride.

Esme sits down next to her radio, her hands on her chest, listening with her eyes closed. This felt like a film, like a fairytale she's read in her books. She had to remind herself several times that this man was never going to be the prince charming she envisioned. He was twisted, possessive, but yet so charming and something about his...antics...excited her. In her mind, this was a fairytale. A perfectly twisted fairytale.

When the music ends, Esme turns the knob to the right and switches off the radio. She walks upstairs and draws herself a warm bath before removing her clothes, untying her hair, and laying down in the water. 

🖤Words: 1209🖤

~ Artemis🦌💗

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