CH 39: Not A Good Son, Not A Good Father

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**WARNING: Strong language, childhood trauma, abuse, etc. Also brief mention of GYN visit. Just want to give a warning for anyone who may need it.**

As the two try to sleep, Esme is lulled by the comfort of Alastor's body next to her. She nuzzles into his warmth, quickly falling asleep, her chest and back slowly rising and falling in peace. Alastor, however, has a harder time falling asleep, hearing several tormenting memories in his mind.

Don't you dare fuckin' cry, you're a man - not a pussy!

Why are you always looking at me like that? He's fucking looking at me like he hates me! You got a problem, boy?!

No, I'm not taking him with me, do you know what people will say?

The sounds of crashing dishes, his mother screaming, and the feeling of his body trembling. Finally, he falls asleep, only to be transported to that evening that changed the course of his life...forever.

And just like that, he's standing at the stairwell, hearing the crashing of furniture and his mother's screams. He's older now, around 17, a man at last. He's trembling and pulling at his hair at the sides of his head, beginning to slowly pace the first floor. This house, this wrenched house, this disgusting, agonizing, haunting house. All the joy ripped away when that pig walked in the door. He walks out the front door, sitting on a small rocking chair on the front porch, tapping his foot rapidly into the wood. He knew better than to go upstairs to his mother, it would only make things worse for her, but he wasn't sure how long he could last feeling so goddamn helpless.

Finally, his father bursts out of the house, wiping his hands on his pants. Alastor glares at him, his jaw clenching so much that it's actually painful. "What are you looking at?" His father snaps. Alastor looks away, his nails digging into his arm to soothe himself, "That's what I thought, you little bitch." His father walks down the stairs, getting into his car.

That's it.

You wanna see a bitch?

I'll show you a bitch.

He walks back into the house, pulling his father's hunting rifle off the wall. He exits through the back of the house, disappearing into the trees which he knew would eventually overlook the road where his father would drive on to return to normal society, as he put it. He cocks back the chamber, and takes aim, narrowing his eyes as he sees the car approach. With one pull, it was all over.


He thought things would be okay after that, but he was soon visited by dreams of this event over and over again. Not in a tormenting way, but in an addictive way. He craved the rush. He was addicted to the feeling he got of having such a disgusting soul at his mercy. He quickly became greedy. He wasn't stopping at his father. It started with him, soon becoming the mailman that would refuse to bring his mother her mail out of fear of going near their kind, classmates that tortured him everyday of the week, the list went on and on. Each of them having one common denominator - men. He hated men. He despised men. He swore that his name would end with him, never daring to bring another cursed man into this world, or anyone for that matter.

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