CH 18: Missing

371 24 17

Louisiana, 1927

"Are you certain that she isn't just hanging around the French Quarter somewhere?"

Esme shakes her head, "She's not a social person, Alastor. She would've never gone anywhere without telling me!" She shouts. Esme paces the office, tormenting herself with her own racing thoughts. Her body trembles as her feet race against the floor. She finally sits down on a small sofa, her face in her hands and sobbing uncontrollably.

Alastor hated seeing her like this. She was weak, helpless, and broken. There was nothing he could do to assure her that Margo would be okay, and he knew deep down that this wasn't good. He knew that her going on this date wasn't a good idea, although he had no idea at the time why he felt so strongly about it. Call in intuition. Alastor sits down beside her, placing a hand on her shoulder, "Take deep breaths. What about the boy she went out with?"

Esme's eyes narrowed as she looks up from her palms, "He said some man came up to her and took her away. She left with him willingly." She stands up, "It has to be someone connected to my father, he said he was a friend..." She picks at her fingernails, edging some cuticle off her skin.

"Do you think it's time to call your fa-"

"NO!" Esme shouts, "Absolutely not! He'll send for me to bring me home and I won't have any say in it." She says, beginning to pace the room once more. "I'm going to find whoever did anything to her and when I do..." She walks up to his desk, her back turned to him, with her hands tightly gripping the desk, "I'm going to gut him like a fish." She growls.

Alastor chuckles, "That sounds fun." He says, standing up, "But for now, it may be wise to hold in that...rage..of yours." He says, placing a hand on her shoulder, "It will blind you, and you will get sloppy. Think with a clear head..." He says, tapping her temple softly, "and you'll get much further." He smirks, "But maybe it's time that you stay with me." He says, "Until we figure out what's going on. I need to ensure your safety."

He was making perfect sense to her. She couldn't possibly stay in a house that Margo was taken away from, knowing that there was somebody out there that had it out for her family. She knew Alastor was perfectly capable of keeping her safe. "Alright, I guess that sounds better than being alone." She nods quickly, "I just need to pick up my belongings. But..." she pauses, "What if Margo comes back?"

"I'll check everyday, Cher." He says, holding her hand tightly, "I'll check for any signs of her." He knew he wouldn't find any. He knew she was most likely gone by now. There was no way he was going to tell her that so soon, especially after seeing how she was beginning to fall apart. 

"And your safety?" Esme questions, "Isn't that dangerous?"

Alastor laughs quickly at her words, hunching over, his hair draping over his face. He stands up, sighing and catching his breath as he moves his hair out of his face, "You don't need to worry about my safety, I assure you."

He dismisses himself from work, telling his secretary that he has an urgent matter to attend to and will be back to the office the following morning. The two walk back to Esme's house. They don't say much, Esme still very much lost in her thoughts. How could she do this to Margo? She could have, should have, been smarter. Why did she ever leave her alone in a city she was still adapting to? She's failed her. She was gone the night she needed her the most, all to be with him. Was it all worth it? Will it ever be worth it? She would kill to get a second chance at this. To hold her sister in her arms and tell her how much she meant to her. How she would protect her at all costs. How she would kill and burn cities for her. As the two approach the house, Alastor's voice breaks the silence.

"Darling...did you leave the door open?" He asks, stopping her from walking any further.

"N-No I didn't..." Esme's breathing becomes erratic as she charges for the door, Alastor pulls her away before she can reach the stairs.

"What did I say? Remember..." He taps the side of her head. "Stay here." He says sternly, turning to her one last time before heading inside, "You stay right here, do you understand me? Do not move an inch." He turns and heads inside the house, his hand tucked inside his jacket.

The house is completely ransacked. The pictures off the walls shattered on the floor, vases broken, the curtains torn. Whoever did this was definitely sending a message to the family. There's a small piece of paper on the floor. He picks it up.

If you want to know what happened to your sister, meet me in the park at 4 tomorrow morning.

Alastor's eyes squeezed shut as he read the words, crunching the paper in his hand. She was not safe here. He doesn't bother going upstairs, getting the message. He turns around and exits the house, closing the door.

"Call the police." He says as he comes down the stairs.

"What?! What's inside?!" She charges him, he holds her back, handing her the note.

He speaks in a low voice, only for her to hear. "Don't tell them you found this, just listen to me. Call the police, have them secure the house. You and I will go to the park." He says, walking in an oddly calm manner towards the street. "Come, Cher. We have much to do." He says, walking away from the house.

Esme's eyes water at the note, crunching it between her hands, crying in frustration. She can only mutter small noises, whines and whatnot to prevent her from screaming and drawing attention to herself. She tucks the note in her chest and follows Alastor down the street. 

🖤Words: 1032🖤


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