CH 20: A Matching Set

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When the smoke cleared, Esme looked around to see that they were in a place she did not recognize. They were in a living room of some sorts. It was dim with bare minimum lighting, drawn in curtains, dust everywhere. It looked like it hadn't been touched in years, everything frozen in time with old books and records scattered amongst the dressers and tables. "Alastor, where are we?" She questions as she watches him drag Vinny's body to a chair, tying him to the wood.

"My mother's.." He says coldly. "You didn't think I was foolish enough to bring it back to my home, did you? No no, it's miles away from society, no one will hear him. You can have all the fun you want." He says, ripping the twine with his teeth and tightening the restraints.

" grew up here? In the middle of nowhere?"

He sighs, standing up and taking off his jacket. He tosses it on the nearby couch, removing his knife and setting it on the table, "My father was ashamed of us so he kept us far away from everyone. His secret." He says with a cold expression on his face.

Esme's face drops at the realization, "I -" Esme goes to respond but soon sees Vinny beginning to stir. Her eyes narrow as she remembers the task at hand. "Oh, wakey wakey, look who is finally up~" She walks over to him, leaning over and tightly gripping his chin, "Did you have a nice nap?"

Alastor smirks and walks over to the kitchen to fetch himself something to drink. He pulls out a bottle of whiskey stored secretly behind a compartment in the wall. He takes out a glass and pours himself just enough to enjoy the show.

"Look at you, always having someone to do your bidding." Vinny mumbles with a slurred voice, "You're just like you father."

Esme chuckles wickedly, "Oh no my dear, he is simply here to observe..." She motions to Alastor, who waves from a seat behind her, "You..." She yanks at his hair, pulling his face to hers, "You are all mine." She pushes his face back and walks to the kitchen, going through the drawers and counterspace before coming back with a series of knives, sharpening them slowly in front of the man. "Now, Vin, why don't you tell me what really happened. Perhaps I could let you go if you play nice." She says.

She turns her body to the man, running her knife against the metal preparing the blade. She smiles sweetly at the man, her pearly whites glimmering in the light. 

"You started this Es-"

"And I'll finish it." She interrupts, smiling psychotically at him, the light shining off of a large butcher knife she presents in her hands. "Now, what did you do to my sister?"

Vinny smirks. "Before or after?"

"After what?" Esme sneers, twirling the blade against her fingertip. She could feel her breath getting caught in her throat and a deep pressure forming in her chest in anticipation.

"Before or after I made her scream for you?" He laughs wickedly.

Esme screams and raises her hand with the knife, plummeting it down in his direction. Her hand is caught before it strikes him. Alastor is standing behind her, holding her wrist. He looks down at her and taps her temple with his finger, reminding her of his words. Esme smiles up at him knowingly and instead of ending his suffering quickly, takes the knife and swipes it across his abdomen, causing him to scream in agony. A satisfying smirk breaks out across her face as she begins to laugh, a low, menacing, laugh. "Where is she?" she growls. He groans and Esme pulls his hair, picking his face up to face her, "Answer me, you bitch!" She says, holding the knife to his throat.

He groans and smiles up at her, "Her upper half, in the swamp in the bayou. The lower part ... well your father should be getting it any day now." Her eyes widen and she cuts off his ear in one frantic swipe.

Alastor chuckles from his chair, crossing his legs and bouncing them softly, humming to himself.

"We're even Esme..." Vinny groans. "You took my father from me." Esme shakes her head, tears forming in her eyes. That wasn't my doing, you prick. She thinks. "An eye for an eye." He growls.

Her eyes turn a bright, burning, intoxicating green. Vinny's eyes widen at the sight, becoming truly terrified of her for the first time that evening. Her ring finger glows brightly. Alastor smirks. She lowers her face to his, her eyes piercing through to see straight to his soul. "Then how about I cut out both of yours and make a matching set?" She spits at him, pressing his chair up against the wall, sitting on top of him in a straddle, while she pulls apart his eyelids and takes her time as she cuts slowly into his eyesockets.

His screams fill the house, a perfect music to Alastor's ears. He smiles as he calmly drinks his whiskey. Esme is blinded by her rage, no longer affected by the loud noises. She takes her time as she slowly torments him, cutting out his tongue to soften his screams. She tosses everything into a pile behind her, her white shirt soaked in his blood. She kicks the seat down when she's done, "Now..." She growls, a deep, guttural moan, "This doesn't end here." She says, lowering herself to him, "You can't see me, but I will see you again in hell, you pig." She spits in his face before taking her knife and stabbing him ten times repeatedly. One after the other, she screams while she does so. With every slice and stab, she sees Margo's face. She can hear her screams. She can feel how terrified she was to be with that man. Her tears fall on to the body until finally Alastor pulls her back up.

"It's done, you're okay." He says. She snaps out of her rage, looking up at him.


"Well done, mon amor." He says, beginning to snap his fingers.

"WAIT!" She interrupts. She bends down and picks up his eyes and tongue. "Not these..." She pauses. "I want to send these to his mother." She growls. 

🖤Words: 1060🖤

~ Artemis🦌💗

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