Chapter 15: The Heist of the Century

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Later that day, Father Julius walked up the steps to the cathedral and knocked on the giant front doors to be let in.

"Excuse me sir?"

He turned to see Noodle, dressed as a peasant standing by one of the pillars.

"Could you spare a piece of chocolate for a starving orphan?" She asked.

"I'm sorry my child. I don't have any on me." Father Julius replied.

When he turned away from her, he popped a chocolate in his mouth, just as Noodle slipped some acacia mints into his pocket.

The doors opened and Father Julius stepped inside while Noodle walked away, grinning.


Back at the zoo, Basil was sitting in his small box at the entrance, reading a note from a package he received.

"To Basil Bond, employee of the week." He read. Inside the package was a chocolate, that instantly knocked him out.

Willy, (Y/n) and Abacus snuck up to his booth and snatched his keys.


Next thing they knew, Abacus was driving a green truck with a very tall crate in the back that contained Abagail.

"Everything alright back there?" Abacus called.

Willy and (Y/n) stood in the back with Abagail, keeping her steady. Willy patted her chest, while (Y/n) stood on a ladder that was leaning against the crate wall, scratching her chin.

"Everything's fine, isn't it Abagail?" Willy asked the giraffe.

Abacus noticed that they were about to drive under a bridge, that seemed a bit low.

"Uh, tell her she may want to duck." Abacus advised.

"Tell her she may want to what?" Willy wondered from the back.

"Duck!" Abacus exclaimed.

Abagail and (Y/n)'s eyes widened as they saw the bridge coming towards them. They both ducked, (Y/n) jumping off the ladder, and landing on the floor of the crate. She stumbled a bit, but Willy wrapped his arms around her to steady her.

"Are you alright?" He asked in concern.

She nodded. "Uh-huh."


Father Julius stood by the entrance inside the cathedral that had two lines of monks on either side of the walkway.

"Good morning brethren." He greeted.

"Good morning, Father." The chanted back.

"Now as you all know, it's Baron von Schmeichelhammer's funeral today. And his widow is a bit of a pious type." Father Julius warned.


"So, I don't want to see anyone eating chocolate during the service." He ordered.

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