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After two weeks of working together Reina was called by Tira but ignored it before she was called by Tara which she also ignored. The not even an hour later she was called by Angeal which she ignored but he left a voice mail. So she listened to it not wanting to talk with the idiot male. 

|Reina, we need to talk about why the hell we have a court summons from you suing us for emotional, mental and physical damage as well as a large amount of damn money. Call me back please.|

Angeal's voice was calm and confused which confused her so she called him back as she was on her break. When she got through he spoke calmly. "so you did listen to the voice mail."

"I was curious if you'd blow up on me like you had weeks ago. You realize how fucked up this all is right?"

"Last week I went to my parents place and explained everything to them only to get yelled at and scorned by my parents saying that I was horrible placing so much stress and pressure on one female that didn't even deserve to deal with my child or Sephiroth's. That Sephiroth and I shouldn't have spoke for all of our group that had we actually talked with them we wouldn't be in the situation we were are in now." Angeal said with a sigh "So how the hell can I keep this from happening?"

"You can't, I'm done being nice. Your bitch of a girlfriend and her shit sister has given me too much damn stress, pressure to let shit go. I shouldn't have had to raise your damn child! Let alone have them destroy my damn fuckin' room just for them to find my debit card. What they did was stealing and fraud, I refuse to deal with that shit anymore. I have all of the receipt's for everything that they had bought themselves. I never gave them permission to use my damn card. I'm not irresponsible." Reina said seriously

Angeal was quiet for a moment before he let out a sigh "Fuck...Alright then. Guess I should have seen this coming. By the way have you seen the letters you gave Sephiroth and I? We had to clean out the tour bus we were on and we had the letters on the bus."

"Nope, I never knew you kept them. Though I have kept the ones you boys sent me and those letters will be your downfall since you never went through with what you promised me you'd do." Reina said seriously

"Shit...this isn't going to end well for Sephiroth and I. Not to mention Tira and Tara are going to lose Leo and Viven due to them whining and crying about wanting to see you and being around you instead of them."

"Well yeah, of course they want to be around me. I'm the one that raised them, I'm the one that was there for the two kiddos. No doubt they see me as their mother not their actual damn mothers who were neglectful of them." Reina said unamused

"I knew you wrote to Sephiroth and I about how the two of them weren't doing their job as their mothers but I thought you were being over dramatic about everything...now seeing that the kids want nothing to do with their mothers and wanting you instead? It's obvious it wasn't an over dramatic thing that you had written."

"Have you ever known me to be over dramatic about anything Angeal?"

Angeal was quiet for a moment before he sighed out. "You're right about that...I should have known better. I've really let the whole 'rock star' image get the better of me and my ego. I want to apologize to you and Genesis in person once this all is done for."

"I will take the apology but you're going to need to do more than give Genesis a half ass apology. He's pissed at the two of you for letting things get so bad. He doesn't like that he's never been able to speak up about anything."

"I'll talk to our manager and I will ask for his old contract and read it over. If it's different from the one that Sephiroth and I signed we will bail out."

"Are you sure that he'll want to do that?"

"That is a good point, he's still on a high horse from hell. He and the girls have been going on tangents when your name or Genesis's names are spoken about by Kadaj and your sister. When they talk to Kadaj and Sephiroth's mother. They tell her that the four of you are in a band together is that true?"

"Mhm it is, Zack and Cloud are with us too." Reina said with a smile

"I should have known that would have happened. They deserved better than what we did. Best of luck out there Reina, you deserve to do what you feel is best for you."

"Thanks Angeal....and thank you for actually talking to me like a mature adult instead of shouting and yelling at me. It's nice to have at least one person over there that has some common sense."

"Of course, see you in court."

"That you will Angeal."

Once she got off of the phone she looked at her cell confused. "The fuck was that...That was hella odd."

She got up from where she sat and went back into the building before she went into the recording studio once more getting all of their attention. 

"So who called you babe?" Genesis asked

"Angeal, and he actually wanted to have a legit conversation with me. He finally has been using his brain. Apparently he got a reality slap from his parents when he had bitched at them about what has been going on. That apparently snapped him out when they bitched at him for being a dickwad."

Genesis raised an eyebrow at her. "Oh?"

"Yeah and get this he isn't mad about you, Cloud or Zack being here. He said you all deserved to be treated better and that he was going to be asking for ya'lls old contracts to see just why you'd leave the studio you guys first went through."

Zack leaned against the stand in front of him. "He's gonna wish he didn't."

Cloud nodded his head in agreement, which made Reina raise an eyebrow at the raven haired male. "Okay elaborate Zack?"

"Cloud and I's contract was rather flat and shitty compared to the one we've signed here. Our contracts basically stated we can keep our girls just we can't acknowledge them at all. We will be paid half of what the lead two will be paid-the two leads being Angeal and Sephiroth. We were to only be face placements nothing more. We weren't allowed to talk at all about anything when interviewed." Zack explained

"Damn, your contract is almost as fucked up as mine was." Genesis said shocked

"Oh? what was yours about?" Zack asked curiously

"I was a to be a face piece with no say in anything. I was to be known as the 'lone bad boy' whatever the fuck that was supposed to me. I was being paid a third of what those two shmucks were being paid and I wasn't allowed to date or have romantic feelings for anyone. If I did it had to be someone of high importance to the public."

"Due the hell? That is some shit." Zack said shaking his head

"How did you not read those contracts before signing them?" Anya asked confused

"Yeah, if I was in your shoes I would have said fuck that and not signed something that fucked up. And when the fuck did my shitty brother become a 'leader' of anything? He can't even keep his own damn kid in line." Kadaji asked confused

[COMPLETE] Loveless Hearts [Genesis Rhaspsodos love story] Modern AuWhere stories live. Discover now