Why 10 Plagues?

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Exodus 9

Why didn't God just take pharaoh out with a snap of his fingers?

9:15-16 - So we can see how awesome our God is and so it's clear to everyone that the Lord is God.

Pharaoh's not picking a fight with Moses and Aaron or the Israelites, he's picked a fight with God. Pharaoh says Israelites are his slaves whilst God says the Israelites are his children.

1. The only true God

Everyone can see that there is a Creator just by looking at the world, just a tree is so incredibly designed. If I told you a house didn't have a builder you'd say I'm crazy, every creation has a creator.

4:2 "Who is the Lord that I should obey him"

So many gods that the Egyptians rely on in their life. They would say who would win against each other with their gods but once the Lord comes out he is so much bigger and better.

10 times they stage this contest and all 10 times the Lord comes out on top.

Why worship the sun god when the Lord blocks out the light?

If there's one thing we learn from the plagues it's that the Lord is the one and only true God.

Every responsibility we have is below God, God is above all and everything we do should be for his glory.

2. The author of creation

The Lords power is over all of creation, it's no challenge to change the river to blood because he made the river. The Lord created it all.

The world isn't spiralling out of control like the news says, the Lord who turned water to blood is still in charge of the water, he's still in control. The Lord IS the author of creation.

3. Trustworthy and True

God does what he says, "Strike the dust of the land and it will become gnats", and just as he said, it happened. All 10 times God says what's going to happen and it happens the way he said it every time. What He says will happen, happens.

In a world where trustworthiness is so hard to come by who can we trust? So many people are fake and have their own ulterior motives, the only one who'll never fail us or disappoint us is the Lord, the God who never lies. We can trust in him and see how he keeps all His promises.

4. The righteous judge

Our lines of right and wrong are very blurry but God sees it with much greater clarity, he sees good and evil much more black and white. He sees sin as the vile offensive horror it really is.

Pharaoh says to throw babies of israelites into the river Nile to kill them, God turns water to blood in return.

The death of the firstborn plague was a response to what pharaoh had done to Gods firstborn - Israel. Pharaoh had brought upon himself all that he got.

Every single person who's lived on planet earth must face the judgement of God. If we all have to face judgement do we have any hope?

5. The merciful Lord

The Lord gives pharaoh a warning ahead of time. Just like parents give their children a chance, they want the children to listen and hopefully do what they've been told. God gives pharaoh a warning before 7/10 plagues. Pharaoh is given a chance, an opportunity to do what God has asked him to do. But he ignores every chance God has given him. Although the officials that feared the word of the Lord listened, they learnt their lesson and responded and so were safe.

How do we act?, like pharaoh or like the officials that ran for cover when God warned of hail?
Those who shrug off Gods warning just like those who stayed out in the hail will face their justice.

In judgment the Lord always makes a distinction, like with the Israelites who didn't get the death of the firstborn, if you belong to Christ you are Abraham's seed. It's only by belonging to Christ that you can escape the judgement. Don't be like Pharaoh, bow to the Lord while you can.

2/10/22 Evening

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