Saturday 5th March 1983 - The Hospital

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(03:30PM Saturday 5th March 1983)

Sam sat in the passenger seat of the truck, he was numb to the fear at this point, he didn't even want to go to this appointment, but John had told him he needed to, he had to do this, or he would never get answers. The radio in the truck was playing some pop music, Sam wasn't really listening to it, he just wanted to go back to bed. John glanced at Sam as he drove, focussing on the road. He decided to speak up, "I think we might get somewhere today; they wanted a second EEG, so it has to be important", John was confident, smiling boldly, trying to help Sam feel better. "You thought we'd get somewhere last time", Sam complained, "I, I'm just not getting my hopes up", he frowned.

(04:10PM Saturday 5th March 1983)

"Have you had any caffeine in the past 12 hours", the doctor asked, checking Sam's temperature. "No", Sam replied grouchily. "And did you wash your hair this morning", the doctor asked. "Ugh, Yes", Sam replied. The doctor wrote that down on his clip board and stood up from his chair, "Follow me down the hall and we'll get this going then Sam", The doctor smiled as he walked past the desk. Sam stood up, looking to John, John patted his shoulder, "Let's go bud", John smiled subtly as they followed the doctor.

They walked down a few halls in the hospital, Sam knew the way by now, the doctor led them into a room with a few monitors and a bed, Sam had been there before, he had done this test here before, this would be no different. He was wearing the same shirt as last time, he was smelling the same smells as last time, he was even thinking the same thoughts as last time, what good would this do, it had not led to a diagnosis last time, so it wouldn't this time, John was just trying to be optimistic. And these doctors, they didn't get it.

The doctor smiled, pointing to the bed, "If you just lay down on the bed Sam, we'll attach the electrodes", The doctor explained as he walked to a trolley. Sam walked over to the bed and got onto it, lying down comfortably. John stood in the corner of the room, the doctor noticed this, "You can sit just there sir", The doctor grinned as he pointed to a chair close to the hospital bed Sam was lying in. John sat down in the chair, interlocking his fingers awkwardly on his lap as he sat by Sam.

Sam shivered as each electrode was attached to his head, they were cold and sticky, he would never get used to that feeling. The doctor saw him shivering, "I'm sorry about that, it's always unpleasant for the first few minutes, you'll get used to it though", the doctor said, trying to offer comfort. Sam just frowned, "Whatever", he whispered. The doctor frowned, "Just get comfortable, we're starting the test soon", he told him as he walked off to a nurse. Sam laid there in the bed, the electrodes attached, with a huge scowl on his face.

John chuckled, "If you're like that he'll stop being nice", John whispered as the doctor was out of their earshot. "I don't care", Sam smirked, "I don't want to be in this bed, I want to know what's wrong", Sam yearned. "Well to do that, you need to be in the bed", John pointed out, sitting close by, "You just have to lay here, think about some movie or something for a half hour and then we can go, they'll get the results in a few days and then we might be able to know what's wrong, why you keep getting seizures", John smiled.

Sam was always shocked with John's ability to make him feel better, no one else could do it, he felt safe with John, which was rare for Sam, he had never felt this safe with his parents. "Fine", Sam agreed, "But no more than a half hour", Sam smirked. "You got this bud", John smiled, holding his fist up for a fist bump. Sam smiled and fist bumped John, lying on the bed while John sat in the chair. "It'll be over before you know it, and then we'll go home", John promised. "Thanks", Sam smiled subtly, he rarely smiled these days.

The doctor re approached. "Alright, we're ready, Just lay here, relax and close your eyes, you may fall asleep if you like, considering this is a sleep deprived EEG it doesn't really matter", the doctor smiled warmly. "Thats all I needed to hear", Sam smirked as he laid in the bed, he closed his eyes and laid there now, thinking about nothing, and everything. Sam could hear the machines still, and he could hear the doctors talking to John about a few things, but he was tired, he wanted to fall asleep, he could at any moment, it wasn't what he had planned, but it was a nap non the less, one he had been missing. And with that Sam's lack of sleep caught up with him and he drifted off to sleep in the hospital bed, John and the doctors chatting as he slept, the electrodes still attached to his head.

(04:50PM Saturday 5th March 1983)

Sam slowly woke up, he felt a hand on his shoulder as he was pulled back to consciousness, he originally jumped, then he realised the hand was John's and he eased up. The doctors were taking the electrodes off his head as John's cold hand rested on his clammy shoulder. "Your alright bud, it's just me", John smiled as Sam sat up. "Yeah, Hi", Sam yawned. John chuckled, "Did you have a good nap". Sam smiled, "Yeah, It was good, still really tired though", Sam complained as he half smiled. John chuckled, "Well I'm sure you can take a nap in the car on the way back home", he suggested, standing up from his chair and stretching his right leg, it was stiff.

The doctor smiled at Sam as he approached the bed, "If you just wait here for five minutes to gather yourself, then you can go", advising him to wait kindly. Sam got off the bed, "I'm good, let's go John", Sam commanded as he walked out of the room, not looking back at anyone, he wasn't going to stay any longer than he had too. John looked at the doctor, "Sorry doc, he just really wants to go back to bed, he can never sleep enough", John apologised. "It's alright, I'm sure he's done with all these tests by now", the doctor shrugged it off. "Thanks for all the help", John smiled as he followed Sam out of the room, the doctor left standing with the nurse.

Sam walked through the hospital, John catching up and walking by his side, they both knew the way, they were heading to the car park to leave. "You can have a good long nap now bud", John promised. "I was planning on it", Sam smirked as they walked out of the hospital doors and into the car park. "You hungry", John asked. "No", Sam replied confidently, "I ate enough earlier". The two reached the car, "Let's just get home", Sam smiled as he got into the car, John getting in too. John started the car, backed out of the space and drove down the road.

AN: All Characteristics and features of these characters are my property, any misuse of them will be regarded as theft and copyright infringement. However I do not own the images I have used in reference for these characters, I relinquish the rights of the Images to the correct personnel.

I Will insert a different screenshot from an 80's movie at the top of every entry, enjoy.

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