Sunday 19th June 1983 - The Cat

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(07:35AM Sunday 19th June 1983)

Sam wandered down the hall from his bedroom, he had only just woken up and he wished he hadn't, he was still so tired, yet he was also thirsty, dragging himself out of bed and to the kitchen. As he walked through the living room he could hear a small sound, he listened closer for a second in the silence. It sounded like scratching, coming from the back door. What could it be, another one of those damn racoons. Sam grabbed the broom that was leaning up against the bookcase, ready to shoo the vermin away.

He leaned over, unlocking the door and swiftly opening it, yet what sat on the door mat in front of him was no racoon, but a ginger cat. Sam stood there for a moment, the cat looked calm, he was missing an eye, but this was a healed wound, it probably happened a long time ago. Sam was unsure what to do, this cat wanted to come inside, it had been scratching at the door, surely, he shouldn't let it in. Yet it seemed so peaceful, so calm, like it just wanted somewhere to eat for a moment.

Sam propped the broom back up against the bookcase. "Hey little guy", he smiled, talking to the cat. "You want to come inside", he asked, he was enthused by this cat, he was wide awake now. The cat stood up and stretched, then wandered in through the door confidently, Sam closing the door as the cat began looking around the strange new environment for a second before heading towards the sofa, jumping up onto it and lying down, it's claws slightly caught in the plaid fabric, yet getting them free as he rolled around like a kitten.

Sam gave a smirk, he was impressed at the cat's confidence, it acted like it owned the place and was just popping in for a visit. He walked towards the kitchen, yet instead of getting himself a drink, he took a saucer from the cabinet and poured a little milk into it, holding it and heading back to the living room to offer to the confident cat that he had let inside.

He approached the couch that the cat was licking himself on, Sam didn't know how friendly this cat truly was, he inched closer from the edge of the sofa, extending out his arm with the milk saucer and placing it next to the cat. The cat looked at Sam, then at the milk, like it was waiting for Sam's approval to drink. "Go ahead", Sam gestured, pushing the milk a tiny bit closer, he was smiling at the cat. This cat was trained, and well at that, he must have an owner somewhere, but how would he have ended up all the way out here.

The orange cat took a break from drinking the milk gently and stared at Sam. Sam was making eye contact with the cat, it blinked softly, like it was smiling at him. Sam decided to take a little risk, moving the saucer a little bit and sitting on the sofa next to the cat. He held his breath as the Cat looked at him, it looked calm and happy. Sam looked down into his lap, how could he try to befriend this cat, he had to try and find it's owner later, but how could he make it feel better right now. He could go and ask Mike, oh, no, Mike was gone now, and Warren had gone on his run. He could ask Andy, but Andy didn't really seem like a cat person, and John would be snoring until at least 9 on a Sunday. It was just him and this cat.

While Sam was in his own head and his spiral of thoughts, the cat got up and walked over, gently climbing up and sitting on his lap, curling up peacefully, comfortable on him. Sam held his arms up, not trying to disturb the cat, this was so beautiful, he never wanted this moment to stop, this cat was so sweet. Sam slowly and carefully put his arms down, starting to stroke the cat's back with his left hand. The cat looked up and him and then laid its head back down, like it was checking he wasn't going to hurt him.

Sam didn't want to move, he and this cat were happy, sitting there together as Sam stroked the cats back gently. This cat was so calm and kind, he had found this place for a reason, perhaps he was running from something too. Sam was just happy he was inside now, away from anything that could hurt him. He was safe now, he wasn't alone.

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