Sunday 19th June 1983 - The Cat Food

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(08:10AM Sunday 19th June 1983)

Sam and the cat chilled there for another few moments, but what was he going to do with him, did he have an owner. Sam looked at the cat's neck as he stroked it, it didn't have a collar on or anything, nothing to indicate that he belonged to anyone anymore. The cat looked up at him, like it knew what he was thinking. "I guess you're gonna need a name for now, I can't just keep calling you little guy", He chuckled. He looked at the cat, "Hmm, you look like a, Tiger", he smiled, stroking the cat's head as it nuzzled into his stomach. "Alright, for now you're tiger", Sam decided, stroking the cat on his lap. Sam realised that the cat hadn't eaten anything, it must be hungry, can't be much food out here for him to have eaten, he needed to go down into town and get some cat food.

Sam looked at the cat, he needed to move it. He was a little cautious to pick it up, just in case it didn't like it, yet he did so anyway. Sam carefully picked the cat up, cradling it in his arms. The cat did not protest, just chilled as Sam carried it to his room. Sam opened the door with his foot and walked in, kicking the door closed behind him, the door making a decently loud noise as it partly slammed, almost startling Tiger. "It's okay Tiger, it's fine bud", Sam shushed, assuring Tiger as he put the cat down, laying him on his bed. "You stay in here for now", Sam spoke to Tiger, walking over to the window and cracking it open halfway, enough for the cat to leave if he wanted to, and also enough to let a cool breeze in for him. "I'll be back with some cat food for you soon, then we'll take you to meet John, and we'll get you sorted out, find your owner if you have one, and if not, you can stay here with me", Sam rambled, looking at the car that was lying on his bed, showing no signs of wanting to leave. "I'll be back", Sam promised, walking to his door and closing it behind him as he walked out into the hall and towards the small lobby.

Sam reached into his jacket and grabbed the nine dollars that he had in notes and coins. He slid on some shoes and stepped outside, closing the front door behind him as he walked over to the kitchen window, grabbing his bike that sat below, he had left it there last night when he got back from the arcade. He stood it up and walked it over to the start if the road. Mounting the bike and setting off on his way to Glen Oaks, it shouldn't take him too long right, he thought as his journey began, cycling off down the road. Little did Sam know, with all that slamming doors and opening and closing, he had woken John, leaving he and the cat by themselves in the home.

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