Sunday 19th June 1983 - The Workout

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(07:10AM Sunday 19th June 1983)

Warren ran down the path and towards the fork at the end of it, following up a small ramp, coming out of the walk at the top of a field. At the end of the field sat a long-forgotten park, he could already see Kelly and Billy in the distance, doing pull ups on the bars. He could also see another figure sitting off towards the side of them. Warren smirked, why was he still just standing there, he needed to train, he needed to get away from the home for a few hours.

He ran down the small dirt track that was still present in the grass, this place had once been a children's park, yet why was it out here on the edge of town by the trailer park, it made no sense. Perhaps that's why time had forgotten this place, either way it made a perfect training spot for the three military aspiring teenagers. Warren liked his inner thoughts as he took his morning jogs, they were peaceful, it was almost like they helped centre him somehow. He just didn't want to think about Mike for today.

Kelly dropped down from one of the bars, spotting Warren running up in the distance. The guy sitting close by also noticed him. "I assume that's Warren", the boy asked. "Yes, that's him", Kelly groaned, annoyed that this guy was with them. The boy was annoyed, he snapped the book he had been reading shut and stood up from the tyre he had been sitting on. Perhaps it had once been part of a tyre swing. "Well, how am I supposed to know your friends' names if you don't tell me", he argued snappily.

Billy jumped down from the bar he had been doing pull ups on, the rubber soles of his shoes scraping on the rough jagged stone of the floor. "Will you two please stop with the bickering, it's giving me a headache", he complained, walking over to the tyre and taking a sip from his water bottle, putting it back down and lying on the ground for a minute.

Warren ran up to the three. "Morning guys", he smiled as he and Kelly fist bumped. Warren glanced down at Billy concerned for a second. "You alright Bill", he asked with worry. Billy wasn't particularly bothered with Warren, just training, yet he gave a thumbs up anyway to ease his worrying. Warren smiled at the thumbs up then turned to the random boy that Kelly had been bickering with. Who was this guy, Warren had never seen him before, yet he oddly looked familiar. "Hi, nice to meet you, but who are you", he asked, almost rudely.

Kelly rolled her eyes as the boy looked annoyed, she watching the cogs turn in Warren's head as he tried to make sense of why he recognised this guy. Kelly decided to speak up considering it had been a few seconds. "This is my brother Kenny", She told Warren, not entirely pleased about it. "My mother made him spy on me to make sure I'm not doing drugs or some shit". Kelly told Warren this in an annoyed tone, hopping back up on the pull up bar angered, her rage fuelling her strength.

Warren looked at Kenny, stretching his arms in preparation for his training. "Well nice to meet you Kenny", Warren spoke slightly enthused as he walked over to the bar that Billy had been using. He began his work out too, he and Kelly in sync as they trained together. Kenny sat back down on the tyre, Billy lying on the floor in the sun, soaking up it's rays like water to a sponge.

Kenny looked displeased. "I wish I could say the same about meeting you both, but honestly, I would rather be anywhere but here", he ranted. "There's a convention for comic books at the community centre three towns over and I'm supposed to be there today, but no, instead I'm stuck here with a bunch of sweaty jocks", he yelled. There was no one around for miles other than the trailer park, no one would hear him but the three he was ranting about.

Billy sighed, lifting his head and sitting up on the jagged stone, his shorts not protecting his thighs from the harsh sharp points. "So you're a nerd", Billy asked honestly and brutally. Kenny looked at him, he was already done with him. "No, I'm not a nerd, I just happen to like a good comic book", he argued calmly. Billy smirked, "Nerd", he snickered, antagonising Kenny. Kenny was already angry, he just stood back up, kicking the tire in rage. His foot hit the tire, yet it was harder than he had anticipated, hurting quite a bit, he instantly yelled in pain, holding his foot, sitting back on the tire as Billy laughed.

Kelly chuckled as she did pull ups, watching her brother acting like a child. Warren felt bad for him, but it was kind of funny. They were here to train, not to be distracted after all. "You getting back in Billy", Warren asked with a smirk, "Or are you just gonna lay there all day", he toyed with Billy. Billy glared at Warren. "Hey, watch it Johnson, I could still kick your ass", he joked, jumping up from his spot on the floor. Warren and Kelly watched as he ran up and jumped, grabbing onto the highest of the three bars and starting to do pull ups. "Show off", Kelly smirked, amused by his antics.

Kenny was even impressed, watching from the tyre, he might as well get some more reading in while he was here he thought, opening his book again as he sat there. Warren looked over at Billy, "You got your player", he asked, looking around. Billy nodded to Warren, then glanced over at Kenny. "Hey Dork, hit play on my recorder will ya, it's in my bag", he asked Kenny. Kenny looked up from his book, he ignored the comment. He looked at the two bags next to his legs and picked up the one that he knew wasn't Kelly's. "Top pocket", Billy told him. Kenny followed the command and took it out of the top pocket, hitting play and sitting it down on the ground close to him, putting the bag back.

The song Eye of the Tiger started playing as the three trained. Kelly and Warren smiled. "When did you get this tape", Kelly asked, totally pumped up by the beat. Billy smirked, "Nice right", he asked, "My dad got it Thursday while I was at school, he got it from the radio shack on Glenwood". Warren smiled, "Nice", he agreed as they all enjoyed the music. Kenny was agitated by the music, he couldn't focus on his book, what was the point of him sitting here, he knew Kelly wasn't doing drugs, his mother would give him an earful if he left, but he didn't even care at this point, anything was better than sitting with these muscle freaks. He got up, putting his book in his backpack and walked off without saying a word.

The three watched him go, a thought popping into Kelly's head as they spectated. "Tell Mom I'll be back by four", she yelled. She then realised she had forgotten something, "Oh, and that I don't need a chaperone", she laughed. Billy smirking as they all trained together. Warren focused on his pull ups, "Come on guys, we'll need to train hard if we want to be the best at the camp", he told them, they both listened. "No more distractions", he asked. "You're right, we've worked too hard to stop now", Billy agreed with his normal smirk. "Yeah, no more distractions", Kelly agreed as they all went into a sort of hyper fixated state, nothing on their minds but exercise.

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