Sunday 19th June 1983 - The Effort

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(08:15AM Sunday 19th June 1983)

Kenny was almost back, he wandered along the dirt path next to the river, he hadn't noticed how beautiful it was earlier, the water was much clearer than he had originally thought. Kenny took the fork in the road and followed up the small ramp, looking out of the trees and into the field, he could see the three of them, he could faintly hear the music that they had playing. They seemed nice, he didn't have many friends, hell, he only had one friend, it was time to go and make some more. Kenny was done being wary of new people, he still preferred to read than to talk to them, but he didn't have to read alone, he was going to be included in what they did. Kenny thought these things to himself as he walked along the grass towards them.

Kelly who was still doing pull ups was concentrating, really trying to hold on, Warren timed her with his watch, standing in front of her. Billy sat atop a small metal structure that used to be part of the park. He wasn't looking at Kelly or Warren, he was looking off into the distance, that's when he noticed Kenny. Billy looked at him, marching back towards them, book in hand. Huh, he came back, he persisted, good for him, he didn't let them scare him away after all. Billy spoke up, "Hey Kell, your brothers on his way back", Billy sounded impressed as he kept watching Kenny. "What", Kelly questioned as she jumped down, looking over, Warren looking too. "Huh", Kelly shrugged, "Guess he is", she agreed.

Kenny walked up to them, not making a fuss and just smiling as he went to sit back on the tyre. "How's the jock stuff going, more pull ups", Kenny asked. Kelly grinned widely, "So you decided you didn't wanna face mom", Kelly asked, mocking her brother. Kenny smirked as he sat on the tyre, looking at the three of them. "You could say that", he shrugged, opening his book again. Warren smiled, "Nice to have you again", Warren welcomed Kenny back. "Thanks", Kenny smiled, "I didn't want to face mom's rath after all", Kenny told them, pausing, "But I guess sitting here isn't so bad", Kenny admitted. Billy smirked, jumping down from the platform on which he laid, walking over and standing next to Kenny, pulling him up from the tyre by his shoulders.

Kenny turned and looked at him, Billy was slightly taller, he was intimidated, but he sort of liked it. "How about you try working out", Billy suggested, rolling up Kenny's shirt sleeve to the elbow, then doing the other as Kenny protested. "I'm not really sure that this is my thing, I don't really have any muscle", he pointed out. Billy squeezed Kenny's arm, trying to feel his muscles. He barely found anything but still, he wanted to help Kenny try. "Just one pull up, I'll help you", Billy insisted, smirking at Kenny as he stood before him. Kenny looked Billy up and down, he was sweaty, and he was muscley, but maybe Kenny should try something new, he came back so things would be different right.

Kenny let a small smile creep onto his face, tugging at the corners of his mouth. "I guess I could give it a try", he gave in, he couldn't say no when Billy was looking at him like a cute puppy. Kenny put his book down by the tyre as Billy smiled widely. "Okay, come over here", Billy guided him by his shoulders towards the bar. Kenny looked up at it, it was a little high for him to reach, but that wasn't going to stop Billy. Kelly stood by the other bar, she was grateful that Billy was trying to make Kenny feel like he belonged, but he didn't have to do all this, still, she smiled as the two boys figures out the problem. "Yeah, I'm not gonna reach that", Kenny admitted as he reached up. "Yeah, I got it", Billy smiled as he knelt down, "Get over here Johnson", Billy demanded. Warren walked over from the tyre to them, "I get what you mean", Warren confirmed, kneeling on the other side. The two of them let Kenny stand up on their knees, reaching the bar and holding on.

Kenny's fingers touched the cold metal bar, he had actually made it up there, he couldn't have done it on his own. "Holy shit I got it", Kenny astounded smiled. "Knew you could", Billy smiled happily as the two slowly removed their knees. Kenny struggled for a second until Billy laid underneath him, pushing Kenny's feet up with his hands, helping him to lift himself. "Lift", Billy told Kenny as he helped him. Kenny pulled himself up, it was hard, but easier than if Billy wasn't helping him. Kenny lifted himself all the way up to the top of the bar with Billy's help. The two of them slowly lowering him back down. "You did a pull up man, congratulations", Billy happily smiled for Kenny, helping him stay up there, holding the bar. "Good Job", Warren added, sitting up on the platform that Billy had been using. Kelly clapped with a smile, "Proud of you bro", she told him with a thumb up. Billy laid there, helping Kenny do one more, then one more, Kenny panting as he was helped. "You're a natural", Billy smiled up at Kenny, the four of them all sitting around, Kenny feeling like he had broken through the ice with these new people, maybe even, friends.

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