Sunday 19th June 1983 - The Confusing

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(09:30AM Sunday 19th June 1983)

Andy peered through the blinds on his bedroom window, he could see out into the yard, John was dragging the hose through the garden, he didn't appear to be struggling, just having a leisurely time watering the plants that sat in the shade over at the other end of their yard. Andy wanted to be noticed today, he wanted to feel seen, to feel good. He stood at the window in his shorts and shirt, he was going to be seen today, he guaranteed it. Andy smiled devilishly at John who couldn't see him, he opened his window and turned up the radio that sat on his windowsill, heading out of his room, and towards the back door.

John walked through the garden holding the bright rubber hose, the sunlight was enveloping everything in its path, the garden only shaded by the tall trees around them. He watered everything in sight, the music playing as he walked closer to the window, closer to the home again. The tune began uplifting John as he saturated the ground with moisture, the radio resting on Sill of the open window. He whistled along to the music as he watered, it was catchy, maybe some of these kids did have some good music John thought with a smile. Try as hard as he might, he couldn't stop his feet from tapping on the ground, and his head bopping along. He was completely oblivious to all the things around him, in his own world, watering the grass and listening to the music.

John was so wrapped up in his watering that he didn't notice Andy sitting on the benches behind him smirking. "Having fun ey John", he asked. John turned around, the music still playing. "Oh hey Andy, didn't notice ya there", he smiled. Andy was sitting on the top of the bench, his feet on the chair and leaning back as he basked in the sunlight, John's comment seemed to piss him off a little as his smirk turned to a frown which he quickly masked. "Never knew you liked dancing", Andy smirked, gathering himself, glancing over to John.

John went a little red, "Well, gets the old energy out", he told Andy. He kept watering the grass, making sure he got every part of it. "Quite hot today isn't it", John tried to make conversation with Andy. Andy glanced back over, lifting his sunglasses away from his eyes, "Yeah, nice day for those legs to tan", he looked at John's hairy legs, lightly mocking him. Andy stood up and jumped down from the bench, sauntering over to John. He was sweaty, his basketball jersey sticking to his chest. "Hand me the hose", he demanded charmingly. John was unsure but handed it to him with a smile and a shrug, "What are you gonna", he was going to ask but was stopped when he saw what Andy was up to.

Andy drenched himself with the hose water, the jersey of his now clinging to his body with the soothing cold water, rather than the hot sticky sweat. John just kind of stood there for a moment, a little water splashing his shirt too. "Ooh", John felt the cold water on his stomach, rubbing at it with his hands. Andy stared at John, "You should loosen up a little, if you're perfect all the time what's the point in the spotlight", Andy said with a straight, slightly envious face, slightly squirting John's hair with water. John chuckled as he did so, Andy dropping the hose and walking away.

John looked confused as he watched Andy walk off, he picked the hose up. "Where are you going", John asked with a happy open smile. Andy kept walking, not turning back to look at John, "Inside, I'm gonna cool off in there", he told John abrasively as he stormed off. John held the hose, he was confused, they had been laughing, that was the most he'd heard Andy speak in months, what was going on with him.

Andy stormed inside, why had it not made him feel better, he was noticed, but was he really seen, John didn't know what to say to him, he spoke about the weather, that's what you talk about when you don't know what to say to someone Andy thought, marching to the living room and sitting on the sofa. Why did he do this to himself, he could have been better too, he had mocked John, but it was what he deserved for excluding him, Sam and Warren were too focussed on their own stuff to notice, hell, why did he think they would even care, he knew they wouldn't, they would just brush it off, like everyone always does with Andy.

He sat there on the sofa, he knew he was just as important as the others, but it was hard to believe when anyone barely acknowledged his existence. He picked the remote up from the coffee table and clicked on the TV, which movie was he going to watch today. He had already watched all the movies that had multiple times, but that didn't stop him from repeating them, what else was he supposed to do all day, this was all he had. So far the best one he had seen was Friday the thirteenth, it was dark, it was violent, and it was a good teen slasher, good enough, might make him feel a little better, who cares anyway. Andy got up and put the tape into the player, he had recorded it onto there when it played on TV last month, this film was his life saver, his light in the dark, ironic considering it has so many deaths right Andy thought to himself as the movie started, sitting there, slightly hoping John would come after him yet knowing that he wouldn't, because that's how it always went.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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