Sunday 5th March 1983 - The Cool Down

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(06:00PM Saturday 5th March 1983)

Sam walked into the house, closely followed by John, Sam was drained, he honestly couldn't be bothered as he walked down the hall and to the living room, John however slid off his boots and hung up his coat at the door. Sam went to walk right past the boys his room but he was stopped. "Hey Sam help me out here", Warren asked as he turned around, kneeling on the sofa as he leant his arms on the back. "I don't care Warren", Sam said as he continued to walk past and went straight into his bedroom, slamming the door behind him.

John walked into the living room just as Sam closed his door. "John, you answer then", Warren asked. "What is it", John asked as he looked over. "Alright, Mike said that by now that 10% of the population of the world must be homosexual, but I said, if 10% of people are gay, then why don't we see that many gay people, it's gotta be more like 5% right", Warren asked. "I know a few gay people, two of my colleagues are gay", John replied as he went to make coffee. "But what I'm saying is that there can't be 10% right", Warren asked. "It's not really any of my business Warren", John replied as he poured the pot of coffee into the sink, getting ready to brew a new one.

Mike spoke up, "It doesn't matter the number Warren, it could be 5%, hell, even 1% of the six billion people on this planet is sixty million people, I have a chance at finding someone, there's gotta be someone out there for me", Mike defended himself. "I'm sure you'll find someone lovely Mike", John told them from the kitchen. "Of course,", Warren held his hands up apologetically, "I never said you wouldn't find someone Mike; I just think it might take you a little more time that's all", Warren tried to be comforting, leaning to the other couch, patting Mike's shoulder, yet mike just frowned and shrugged Warren's hand off.

John let his coffee pot brew as he wandered back into the living room. "What do you guys want for dinner tonight", asked John as he leant on the kitchen doorframe, between the living room and kitchen. Warren debated for a second, "Whatever is easiest for you John", Warren replied, almost obediently. John looked at Mike, "Mike?", he asked. "I don't care honestly, I'll eat whatever", Mike answered, glancing between Warren and John. John groaned for a second, "Not sure I feel like making something tonight", he thought out loud, "We could go out to eat", he suggested. Warren looked happy, "I'd be happy with that John", Warren grinned. "Mike?", John asked with a smile. "I would like that", Mike agreed quite impartially.

"Where would we go", Warren asked, looking up to John. John thought for a second, "Well, Burger King is close", John suggested. "What about Sam", Mike asked. "Well, it doesn't close until 10:30 so If we let Sam have a few hours in bed, then we could go", John suggested. "Sounds good John", Warren complied. "I wouldn't hate burger king", Mike said. "Then it's settled", smiled John, "tonight we feast on burger king", he joked doing a royal voice. Warren smiled at this; Mike smirked. "I'll go tell Sam the plan", John smiled, easing back into his normal voice as he grabbed his brewed coffee, pouring it into a mug as he walked from the kitchen and towards Sam's bedroom.

John knocked gently on the door, still holding his coffee in one hand, waiting a few seconds for a reply. "Sam, may I come in", John asked to the door, wondering if Sam was still awake as he could hear the two other boys arguing behind him again. "Yeah", Sam replied faintly, "Come in". John smiled as he opened the door and walked in, closing it behind him, shutting out the chatter of the others.

Sam was lying on his bed as John walked in. "I was almost asleep", Sam complained as John sat at the end of the bed, taking a sip of his coffee as Sam sat up to face him. "Sorry bud", John apologised, he was using a gentler tone than usual, he knew Sam was tired. "Were going out to burger king in a couple of hours, is that enough time for a nap", John asked. Sam groaned as he laid back on the bed, "Do I have to come with you guys", he asked in a grumpy tone. John felt bad, "I just can't leave you here by yourself Sam, you know that", John said, feeling bad for Sam. "Don't do that", Sam scolded. "Do what", John asked confused. "Don't baby me, don't treat me like I'm gonna break, I won't", Sam scolded as he turned over to stop facing John. "I know you won't Sam, but it's been a long day for you, I know you're tired, and I know it's worse for you because of the seizures", John said kindly, "But you need to eat too, and hey, on the way back here we can go through the dairy queen drive through, I know it's your favourite", John smiled softly.

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