Sunday 19th June 1983 - The Morning

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(09:00AM Sunday 19th June 1983)

The Home was mostly quiet now, Tiger the cat sleeping on Sam's bed, Andy Tanner pottering around his bedroom, getting dressed and wondering which movie to watch this morning, yet John was up, unaware to the fact that Sam had woken his upon his exit, and unaware to the cat's existence yet. Still, he strolled out of his bedroom, the floorboards creaking as he made his way to the kitchen, humming a tune happily, he was in a good mood today, something just felt, good about the world, he thought as he walked into the kitchen and began brewing a pot of coffee. He leant against the counter, looking out the window, it was an awfully sunny day today, perhaps that was why his mood had increased so much compared to normal, then again John was usually quite a happy man.

He decided to quickly grab a bagel from the cupboard while he enjoyed life in this moment, he took quite large bites, not putting butter on it, or using a plate. He instead just bit it like an apple, this was just how he liked bagels, always had and always would. He held the bagel in his mouth as he took a mug from another cabinet and poured himself some fresh coffee from the pot, standing there at the kitchen window with his bagel and his coffee, grabbing the newspaper from yesterday off of the table. Why had today been so lovely already, it was only ten minutes past nine, he had only been awake for forty minutes, yet the light was shining beautifully onto his face, warming him. Whatever he did today, he wanted to be outside he thought as he finished his bagel and downed most of his coffee. He always made if mostly cold, he liked it that way. He didn't think Sam or Andy were up yet, it was a Sunday, they would both be sleeping in, Warren was another story, always off early in the morning on weekends to go and meet up with friends, it was summer after all, he always saw less of his boys during the summer, they all had friends to hang out with, or shops to look around. John thought these things to himself as he had almost finished the coffee, he could go out front, maybe mow the lawn, he would see once he got outside.

John stood at the sink, drinking the last of the cup of coffee before pouring the rest down the sink, resting his mug in there too, he was gripping onto a newspaper in his right hand, he had already read it, he just had to put it by the door, he would take it over to old man Larry later, he was one of those hoarders, John knew he liked collecting newspapers, so every now and then he'd take him one. John walked towards the back door, opening it and looking out, it was a hot day today, lovely and toasty, but he bet that all of those plants weren't loving it too much, they all needed a good watering before the sun got on them. Thats what he would do today, he would water the garden John decided, heading to the front door, hearing a strange noise come from Sam's room that he brushes off almost immediately, leaving the back door open for later. He sat down on the bench in the small lobby, kicking the front door open as he sat down, letting the breeze in.

John stretched his arms out, sitting on the small bench, putting the newspaper on the bench next to him, ready for later as he slid on his brown beaten up boat shoes, ready to go and start his morning with some good old yard work. He stood up, looking out the door at the bright and sunny day out there, the sun's rays bathing the grass, warming it. He clutched his newspaper and stepped outside, heading straight towards the shed in the woods, time to go and get the hose, without some water for the plants in the shade, they'd all die, then that night he could water everything, preserving it all.

John thought these things, planning his day as he tracked the small track to the shed, the dirt of the makeshift road rolled under his thin loafers, following as he walked. He was just going to let the boys sleep for a while, he knew Warren had already set off for his day hours ago, but it was Sunday, Sam and Andy deserved a good rest. It was quiet in the woods today, nothing eerie about it, just oddly peaceful, maybe it was the Sunday effect. John pondered peacefully as he wandered through the trees and approached the brick structure he had built barely five years ago. It still stood tall and proud, just like himself, he walked along the path and to its door, past the car that sat in its garage, ready to be used when needed.

John Walked into the sturdy shed, it was starting to be aged by the weather, yet it still stood firmly. John wandered over to the shelves at the back, ducking under them and pulling the hose out of a bucket and lugging it over his shoulder and standing in the shed for a moment. It was nice and cold in here, the stone floors as cold as ice, the sun couldn't touch this place, surrounded by the trees and the bushes, he would have to remember that if it ever got too hot to bear, he thought. He hauled the hose back towards the home, it was a heavy thing, but John was a strong man, it not giving him much trouble.

John walked through the back door, heading towards the kitchen, almost tripping on the coffee table on his way, the thud sound quite loud. He unwound the long green hose and found the end. "There you are", he smiled as he took it and plugged it to the kitchen tap, tying it tightly with the tea towel and a few other rags. "Perfect", John stated, looking at the shoddy looking fixture, at least it would do its job. He worked to unwind the rest of the hose, walking it back out the back door, creating a little bit of a racket as he bumped into things, walking the hose backwards. He walked it all the way out to the garden bench, right by the back of the home, perfect, he thought, this would be nice, the boring part was over, now to the nice peaceful part. John began his watering of the shaded plants, happy with his morning, unaware of anything else, but what John didn't know, is that he was being watched.

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