Sunday 19th June 1983 - The Wavering

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(07:45AM Sunday 19th June 1983)

Kenny walked along the side of the road, he was almost back to town now, he probably shouldn't have left his sister when his mother was so insistent he accompany her, but hey, she was fine, she was with her friends anyway, he was just a spare part to them. He could go to the seven eleven on his way back and get some breakfast, though perhaps he could wait for Kelly to do that with him. Why was he second guessing himself, he stopped in the road, looking back at where he had come from, part of him return.

This was dumb, he clenched his book in his left hand as he held it by his side, the other two wouldn't want him there either, he wasn't strong like them, he wasn't fast, he was a nerd to them, they were probably happy that he had left. Kenny turned back around once again and kept heading for town, time to go and get an earful from his mother for leaving Kelly. Yet he once again stopped in his tracks. They might not want him there, he knew that, but was sitting with the three of them and reading better than reading alone all day, maybe he was tired of being alone. He didn't have many friends, these may be his sister's friends, but he could still join them again and find out if they would have him.

He looked back at the road behind again. He sighed, "I'm one stupid son of a bitch", he muttered as he headed back towards Kelly, Warren and Billy, knowing that for some reason he felt compelled to go back to them, his loneliness finally catching up with him for once. The stones under his shoes shifting on the road, scattered by him as he stomped in the direction of the abandoned park.

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