Chapter 10 - Prison break

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The Prosperity - Enroute to Coruscant

The trip back to Coruscant would take a couple of hours, a day at most. When the initial invasion commenced and the Republic Navy dropped out of hyperspace, the Prosperity's hyperdrive was slightly damaged after a Munificent-class cruiser got a lucky hit in. This meant that the ship had to stop every few hours to allow the hyperdrive to cool down a bit and not overheat. Of course, this made the Prosperity essentially a sitting duck for an ambush, resulting in the 7th Fleet delegating two extra Consular-class frigates to provide escort in case anything went wrong.

Unfortunately, the High Command had not anticipated that General Grevious would make an appearance, bringing with him a modified version of a Recusant destroyer. This ship however, could probably be classified as a dreadnought though, being at least 50% bigger than the standard model and equipped with extra missile silos, point-defence turrets and dual-turbolaser batteries. Dubbed the Will of Iron, the ship decimated the Consular escorts before they even had a chance to power up their weapons.

In an effort to defend itself, the Prosperity launched all available starfighters, but because it was just coming back from a deployment, it was limited to only one squadron of V-19 Torrents and half a squadron of ARC-170s. Nevertheless, the clone pilots fought with everything they had, mostly attempting to redirect the CIS warship's attention elsewhere, but unfortunately, Grevious had other plans.

Sending out boarding craft, impact alerts soon sounded onboard the Prosperity's bridge as the boarding pods crashed into the Acclamator's hull before deploying droids. Seeing this all from the bridge, Chief asked where the armoury was. He needed some extra firepower and had to help clear the increasingly numerous battle droids from the ship's corridors. Kenobi in the meantime would stay with Ventress as a last line of defence should the droids pierce the clone lines.

With clones rushing throughout the ship in an attempt to reach a weapon or to establish a lasting defensive position, Chief almost made it to the armoury before the hallway erupted into flames as a missile from the Will of Iron found it's mark. Going around to find another way, 117 found a group of wounded clone troopers that had been pinned down by droids in their barracks room. Taking out his assault rifle and charging at the cluster of B1 droids, the Spartan easily dispatched the cybernetic forces before ripping open the steel door.

"It's not safe in here. I've been informed that there is an armoury a few corridors down. Take me there and arm yourselves, we need all hands on deck." Chief ordered the men, even though it pained him to request the assistance of men who had already been caught in the line of fire, this was an urgent situation. What only made matters worse was that Grevious was reportedly onboard and clearing out the hangar, allowing for more droid forces to dock and spread further into the ship.

Making it to the armoury and finding another squad of clones that also needed some blasters, Chief took command. Looking across the rank and file troopers, these men were seasoned enough to put up a good fight against the droids, however, most of them were wounded or already exhausted from the battle on Geonosis. Selecting the ten most capable soldiers out of the group to come with him, Chief directed the other thirty to establish a defensive line around the bridge. Under no circumstance could the CIS gain access to the ship's databanks.

As for the clones that were coming with Chief, they would be going straight into the worst of the fight; the hangar bay. Their primary goal would be to assist the already crumbling defensive line in the hangar and help establish a chokepoint where they could make a stand against the hordes of droids. As a result, they lightly equipped themselves with the bare minimum amount of weapons but took with them two heavy blaster cannons that they would set up in the halls. 

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