Chapter 25 - Diplomats and pirates

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Senate Building - Coruscant

Turns out Anakin did not have as much sway as he thought when it came to getting Chief reassigned. When he asked the Chancellor, Palpatine replied with a sad face that the Spartan had already been slotted for another mission and was departing within a few hours. Placing a hand on the young man's shoulder, Palpatine prompted if maybe Anakin could assign Ahsoka to help Master Chief with the new mission. Asking what the mission was, the Chancellor informed Skywalker that it was a simple security mission on a planet in the Bonagal system where a few representatives will be meeting to discuss food shortages and trade opportunities in the sector.

Agreeing to send Ahsoka, Anakin stated that this would be a great opportunity for his Padawan to learn how negotiations worked between worlds and the influence senators can have on worlds beyond the Inner and Mid Rim. As the two continued to discuss other matters, the sun began to set on the planet sized metropolis, painting a beautiful picture of orange and steel grey.

 As the two continued to discuss other matters, the sun began to set on the planet sized metropolis, painting a beautiful picture of orange and steel grey

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Star City - Renkaar

Located on one of the moons of the gas giant Bonagal, this settlement was originally founded by the Mandalorian warriors thousands of years prior. Since then it had developed into a trade and agricultural hub, supplying vital ingredients for rations and said to be one of the most influential planets in the sector. Calling the settlement a city was maybe a bit of an overstatement, constructed about 10 years before the clone was started, Star City was a symbol of the people. Pooling all their individual wealth and resources together, the population of just over 3 million managed to construct a large dome style megastructure that served as the centre of their society.

With majority of the citizens being either farmers or merchants, the world's population was split evenly between people living in Star City and those living on farms across the planet. Inside Star City was everything a normal capital city would have; a parliament building, a few large corporate office buildings, food market, local law enforcement and accommodation. But the city, and by extension all of Renkaar's, most important facility was the spaceport. Able to accommodate most medium sized cargo ships, the spaceport was the key link between Renkaar and the wider galaxy.

Further inside Star City, sitting around a large meeting table was a variety of senators, businessmen, and world leaders, some of the more notable ones including Jakob Steele; Chief of Supply for a local shipping company, Logan Crys; CEO of a massive food production corporation, and President Amir Farid; the elected leader of Renkaar. Representing the Republic was none-other than the Pantoran senator; Riyo Chuchi, someone who Chief had hoped to cross paths with again so that he could thank her for what she did during Blue Team's court martial. But an unexpected guest was the leader of Mandalore, Duchess Satine Kryze, who walked around with royal elegance and navy blue robes that almost draped behind her. Her ice blue eyes not missing a single detail or hidden message, and her voice reacted accordingly.

"What's the Duchess of Mandalore doing here?" Ahsoka questioned as she stood next to the Spartan, she wasn't overly excited to be here but given the recent arrival of the Mandalorian representative team, things might just get a little bit more interesting. Standing in a dimly lit corner of the room, the Jedi and Spartan were simply there to be peacekeepers and maintain order between the different groups should conflict arise.

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