Chapter One: Silent Night

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Tahki's POV


Everything was silent. Nothing heard, nothing seen. Just sad lonely silence surrounded a lone figure in the murky night air. All that could be faintly heard was her quick intakes of air. A feral snarl ripped through the air signaling the start of the challenge. Watching from a birds eye view, high up in a tree, I flinched as a blood curdling scream shattered the once silent woods. Snarls, snapping jaws and the sound of tearing flesh could only be heard after the unsuspecting victim came to her end. An  almost unaudible gasp escaped my lips as I looked at the remains of the young girl.


There was so much blood. Realizing the mistake I made by making even the slightest noise, the ruthless beast below slowly turned to look up at me. Clamping a hand over my mouth i tried to steady my uneven breathing. It was too late. Looking down, my eyes connected with the bright yellow ones below. Its pupils turned to narrow slits and bared his blood stained fangs at me. Crouching low like a predator about to pounce, the feral wolf kept his gaze locked with mine. I tried to move but I was frozen from sheer panic. I knew he could smell the fear rolling off me in waves, which I soon learned only cheered him on. Looking up to the full moon I knew one thing; Tonight is the night I die. 

Panting heavily my eyes snapped open to see a dim light above. Raising a shaking hand to my head, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Slowly rising into a sitting position I look down to see my body covered in sweat. I felt sticky and I hated it. Standing up shakily, I trudged groggily to my bathroom to get rid of the damp night wear and hopped in the shower. Turning the water on to the coldest setting I stood letting the water pound down on my back. Thinking back to my nightmare, I shuddered as the vivid images of the girls dead body flashed through my mind. Having wasted enougb time in the water, I quickly washed up and got out. Wrapping the plush towel around me, I turned to look at my reflection. 


That's the only thing that came to mind as the once cheery and carefree girl stared back at me as nothing more than a cold hearted killer. Sudden knocks on the door broke me out of my thoughts and I turned my head taking a wiff of the scent.

My father. Always on time to take me to training. Padding over to the door I opened it just wide enoug to poke my head out and meet my father's feirce gaze. 

"Tahki." He acknowledged me with a simple nod of his head.

"Father, what an unexpected surprise." I drawled sarcasticly, opening the door wide enough for his bulky frame to enter my chambers.

"Tahki, don't get snarky with me. You know what happened last time." He ground out unhappily through clenched teeth. Glaring at him from the corner of my eye, I subconsciouly raised my hand to the finally healed bruise that once was there.

Dropping my hand and gaze to the floor I muttered an apology and went to my wardrobe to get out my combat clothing which mainly consisted of spandex shorts and a sports bra. Turning towards my father my cool blue eyes met his deep almost black, brown eyes. His cold harsh stare was evenly matched with my own as a silent challenge was started. Ducking as his back hand flew towards mey face at an unatural speed, I quickly rolled on the floor, hopped up and rushed into the bathroom. Quickly locking the door sniggered and got dressed. Hearing my door slam I let out a breath of air. Finishing up my routine I pulled my hair into a tight knot at the top of my head and cautiously stepped out. 

Taking one final calming breath, I turned my face emotionless and my eyes cold and stony. It was my signature look, letting people to not disturb me. Reaching towards my door handle I quietly stepped out into the hall and made my way towards the training field.

A/N: Sooooo? What do you guys think? Took me a while but finally managed to finish the chapter! Comment your opinions!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2013 ⏰

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