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Yeosang stumbled back in his drunk state, his head was fuzzy and he didn't know where Wooyoung was or where he was himself. He waddled in the more quiet corridor and opened a door. A man was sitting on the bed and on his phone.

"Too loud?" He asked. Looking up at Yeosang who stumbled to the bed, kicking the door closed and slumped on it, face pressed on the mattress. He felt a hand in his hair and hummed.

"Me too, I don't like loud places. I'm Yunho, your name?" The man asked.

Yeosang mumbled incoherently. Voice muffled by the pillow but he didn't move an inch. Yunho gently turned him over on his back and kissed his forehead.

"Tell me about yourself, I can't sit with a stranger in a bar in a bedroom," Yunho chuckled.

"I like... like dancing, like music and... Wooyoung, my ... I forgot, uh my uhh he is with a friend. Left me alone, I feel so lonely, why can't he just stay with me? He knows i- i get anxious these places," Yeosang sniffled. Holding Yunho's hand like his life depended on it.

Yunho leaned down and pressed a kiss to his lips, but Yeosang flinched back. "Sorry, Wooyoung is my boyfriend,"

"Hey, it's okay. I understand, I'm not trying to replace him or anything. I just want to make sure you're okay," Yunho assured him, rubbing his back soothingly.

Yeosang sniffled again, feeling a mix of emotions swirling within him. He appreciated Yunho's gesture of kindness but at the same time, he felt guilty for seeking comfort from someone other than Wooyoung.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have... I don't know what I'm doing," Yeosang muttered, his voice filled with self-blame.

Yunho just shook his head, pulling Yeosang into a hug. "It's okay, you don't have to apologize. We all have our moments of weakness. Just know that I'm here for you, okay?"

Yeosang nodded, feeling a sense of warmth and protection in Yunho's embrace. Maybe, just maybe, he could find solace in the arms of a stranger for tonight. And in that moment, he let himself lean on Yunho's shoulder, letting go of his worries and fears, if only for a little while.

Yeosang's eyes fluttered open as he heard Wooyoung's voice calling out to him. He felt a pang of guilt for finding comfort in Yunho's arms, but also a sense of relief that his boyfriend was here to take care of him.

Yunho gently released his hold on Yeosang and stood up, giving him a reassurring smile before exiting the room to fetch Wooyoung.

Yeosang sat up, rubbing his eyes and trying to collect his thoughts. He felt a mix of emotions - gratitude towards Yunho for being there for him, guilt for unintentionally leaning on him, and relief at the sight of Wooyoung coming towards him.

Wooyoung rushed to Yeosang's side, wrapping his arms around him and pressing a kiss to his forehead. "Are you okay? I got worried when I couldn't find you."

Yeosang leaned into Wooyoung's embrace, feeling a wave of emotions wash over him. "I'm sorry, I... I got overwhelmed. Thank you for finding me."

Wooyoung just held him tighter, his heart filled with love and concern for his boyfriend. "Let's get you home, okay? I'll take care of you, Yeosang."

As they left the room, Yeosang stole a glance back at Yunho, who gave him a small nod and a smile. And in that moment, Yeosang felt grateful for the kindness of strangers, but even more grateful for the unwavering love and support of Wooyoung by his side.

"Wanna tell me who that man was?" Wooyoung asked softly once Yeosang got sitede in bed after a bath.

"I'm sorry, I got lost. I would never cheat on y-"

"I'm not saying that, I'm trust you with my whole heart. Its just innocent curiosity,"

Yeosang sighed, feeling a weight lifted off his shoulders at Wooyoung's words. He knew he had nothing to hide, but he still felt guilty for seeking comfort in another man's arms, even if it was purely platonic.

"He was just a stranger I met in a quiet room," Yeosang explained, running a hand through his hair nervously. "I was feeling overwhelmed and he was just being kind to me. It was nothing more than that, I promise."

Wooyoung's expression softened as he listened to Yeosang's explanation. He reached out, gently taking Yeosang's hand in his own. "I believe you, Yeosang. I trust you completely. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I'm glad you found someone to comfort you when I couldn't be there."

Yeosang felt tears welling up in his eyes at Wooyoung's understanding and unwavering support. He leaned into Wooyoung's touch, grateful for his love and trust. "Thank you, Wooyoung. I love you so much."

Wooyoung pulled Yeosang into a hug, kissing the top of his head. "I love you too, Yeosang. Always remember that, no matter what. We're in this together."

And in that moment, as they held each other close, Yeosang knew that he was truly blessed to have Wooyoung by his side - a partner who not only loved him unconditionally, but also trusted him wholeheartedly.

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