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Yeosang kept his eyes on Wooyoung, who was laying on the floor, panting after the sports lesson. The hall was mostly empty, so Yeosang scooted closer to his best friend and cupped his face gently in his hands, lips inches away from Wooyoung's lips.

He didn't know why he felt this urge to be so close to feel the warmth radiating from Wooyoung’s skin. The vulnerability in Wooyoung's heavy breaths made Yeosang's heart race. It was a moment suspended in time, the chaos of their lives outside this gym fading away.

“Are you okay?” Yeosang murmured, their foreheads nearly touching. Wooyoung blinked up at him, confusion flickering in his eyes before it melted into a lazy smile.

“Just taking a break,” Wooyoung replied breathlessly, though there was a playfulness in his tone. “But it seems like you’re more concerned about me than about the workout.”

Yeosang dared to chuckle, though his heart felt heavy with a mix of affection and hesitation. “You pushed yourself too hard again, didn’t you? Always trying to impress everyone.”

Wooyoung rolled his eyes dramatically, but the smirk on his lips betrayed him. “And you’re always there to remind me that I’m human. Thanks for that.”

Yeosang felt warmth creep up his cheeks. He noticed the way Wooyoung’s gaze lingered on him, as if he was seeing something deeper, something that made the air around them feel electric. Their breaths synchronized, the world around them faded even further, and in that moment, Yeosang couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to bridge the gap between their lips, to close the space that had always felt so safe yet painfully far.

“Wooyoung,” Yeosang began hesitantly. He was about to take a leap into uncharted territory, his heart pounding in anticipation of the answer that might change everything. Would it ruin their friendship? Or could it open a door to something much greater?

“What is it?” Wooyoung’s voice was soft, almost vulnerable now, pulling Yeosang from his thoughts.

Suddenly, the weight of the moment felt overwhelming. Yeosang swallowed hard, his resolve wavering. Instead of confessing the feelings that had been bubbling beneath the surface, he gently poked Wooyoung’s forehead. “You just need to breathe, you drama king.”

Wooyoung laughed, the sound brightening the dim gym. Despite the lightness of the moment, Yeosang felt the tension linger—an unsaid word hovering between them, a profound understanding that neither dared to acknowledge.

As they stayed there, eyes locked, a silent promise seemed to pass between them. Maybe one day, when the time was right, they both would find the courage to take that leap together. For now, they could revel in the comfort of their friendship—or was it something more? Only time would tell.

But he couldn't wait and let Wooyoung close the distance slightly, tilting his head as he searched Yeosang’s eyes for an answer to the unspoken question that hung in the air. The light from the overhead gym lamps cast a soft glow around them, accentuating the playful glint in Wooyoung’s eyes.

“C’mon, don’t be mean,” Wooyoung teased, poking Yeosang back playfully. “You know I’m just a little dramatic after overexerting myself.”

Yeosang chuckled, the tension between them easing just a little. “Maybe if you didn’t try to outshine everyone all the time, you wouldn’t be laying on the floor like a defeated puppy,” he countered, unable to help the affectionate smile spreading across his face.

Wooyoung laughed, and the sound lilted through the emptiness of the hall, filling it with a warmth that matched the heat pooling in Yeosang’s chest. It felt so natural, this easy banter, yet there was an undercurrent of something that was undeniably different.

“Fine, you caught me,” Wooyoung admitted, a playful pout forming on his lips. “But seriously, I can’t help it. You know how competitive I am.”

“I do,” Yeosang responded, his voice softening. “But you don’t always have to push yourself so hard. I care about you, you know?”

Wooyoung’s grin faltered for just a moment, and Yeosang felt a flicker of fear that he had crossed a line. But then Wooyoung reached up, placing his hand over Yeosang’s where it still cupped his face. The warmth of his palm on Yeosang’s skin sent a shockwave of something exhilarating and terrifying through him.

“I know,” Wooyoung said, sincerity slipping into his tone. “And I care about you too.”

The atmosphere shifted then, a stillness enveloping them as if the world had paused to witness this exchange. Yeosang’s heart raced as uncertainty danced in his mind. Did Wooyoung feel the same way? Was this the opening he had been waiting for?

Wooyoung’s eyes flickered down to Yeosang’s lips, and for a split second, every thought flew out of Yeosang's head except one—that he wanted to close the gap between them. The space felt charged, alive with possibilities. Yet, the fear of rejection loomed like a storm cloud.

“Yeosang,” Wooyoung’s voice was barely a whisper now, and it sent shivers down Yeosang’s spine.

Before Yeosang could respond or retreat, Wooyoung leaned in slightly, their faces mere inches apart, each breath mingling in the charged air. “What are we—”

In that moment, with the weight of the word ‘what’ hanging between them, Yeosang made a choice. He leaned in, closing the distance that had felt both too far and too close all at once. Their lips met softly, tentative at first, a delicate brush that sent fire racing through Yeosang’s veins.

It was a hesitant kiss, a question in itself: Is this what we are? Wooyoung answered it by leaning deeper into the kiss, his fingers tangling in Yeosang’s hair.

Time felt suspended, the world falling away as they explored this new territory together, both uncertain yet hopeful. When they finally pulled back, breathless and wide-eyed, a new understanding bloomed in both of them.

“Wow,” Wooyoung breathed, astonished, a smile breaking across his face that made Yeosang’s heart flutter. “I didn’t know you had that in you.”

“Neither did I,” Yeosang admitted, chuckling nervously as they shared a lingering gaze, the gravity of the moment settling fully between them.

“Guess we should explore this a little more then, huh?” Wooyoung suggested, the boyish glint back in his eyes.

“Yeah, I’d like that,” Yeosang replied, his heart soaring. And with that unspoken promise, they both knew things would never be the same—everything had shifted, but so much was still waiting for them.

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