clingy milky way + artist reader

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(I can't stop loving this cute tiny conducter damnit)
a normal day of yours trying to finish a painting of you and milky way but you want it to be a surprise for her but it's hard to keep secret when she's holding on your leg like she's trying not to fall In lava our something
  but you love her like a sister so you deal with it but sometimes you tell her to get off but she won't move you tell her milky can you please get off me I'm trying to finish this painting but your making it hard to get to the leftover paint
she then said no I will never let go I only see you twice a week and I wanna spend every last second with you
you then sigh and said alright then how about this I'm almost finished with this painting if you can wait for a bit we can go and get Boba tea is that OK
milky way jumped in joy and said yes I'll wait for you just hurry please I will die if I don't hug you in time
Y/N then responded with you can't rush art but I will try (insert SpongeBob time skip here) alright I'm done with my masterpiece now I'm gonna surprise milky way but first BOBA then you walk out of your room telling milky way that your done
she said finally I almost died here just waiting for you
alright alright just let me change Y/N said you then changed and told milky way you were ready then you two started to walk but milky way was getting tired of walking so you gave her a piggyback ride as she hugs your head like a pillow then you two finally arrived at the place  you two then got your bobas and left back home then you told milky way you had something to show her you and milky way arrived home and you pulled out the painting you have been working on for months and show milky way she was so happy and ran up to you a full force and hugged you pining you to the floor then you pat her head and said let's enjoy the rest of our day

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