rescue mission Black pearl x captain reader pt3

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(days after the concert at black sea) you and your crew were busy building your  very own republic one where freedom and trading was much more easier then trying to trade with oyster cookie and the others then you noticed things weren't going well for your crew some crewmates were sick and some were tired and hungry and the food that  you and your crew packed was running low so you had to find a way to get supplies or else your crew wasn't gonna last a other month so while you and your crew were brain storming you noticed something reach the surface of the water it was black pearl peeking her head out looking at you form the water you noticed her peeking at you and said  see something you like then she blushed and said of nothing I just want to talk to you in private for a moment then you excused yourself form the brain storming then you head to the dock to go talk to black pearl you see her at the end of the dock looking sad then you approach her and said hey what's the  matter love your never like this then she replied with I miss my sisters I haven't seen them in so long ever since my kingdom was attacked by those damn pirates at the republic and was betrayed by the only land cookie I trusted I haven't seen them since and I  am hopeing to see them one day but I'm losing hope about them being alive and will then you said maybe I can look for them I know pirates and mermaids don't have the best history ever time a  captain sees a mermaid all they see Is profit but maybe I can ask around me crew to see if a can gather any info about your sisters then black pearl hugged you and said thank you darling I hope to see them alive then you told her alright let me get back to work love I need to be ready for anything that our upcoming mission throws at us black pearl agreed and let you return to your crew when you were back to your crew and asked around about anything then one crew mate said hey captain I heard theirs a outpost of some good for nothing republic scum over left around a couple of islands maybe we can "borrow" sum supply's captain then you said good thinking lad alright everyone I made my mind im gonna go to the outpost alone to scout out what they got over there but for now we all need rest this new republic of ours depends on us then your crew cheered before going to all their rooms then you went to your room to rest (the next day) you were about ready to head to the outpost your crew told you about but you packed some items like food water and a gun and sword just in case then you set sail waving your crew goodbye (2 hours later) you finally arrived at the island that the outpost was on and decided to find a way in without being seen then you saw a  tunnel in one of the walls of the outpost it looked big enough to fit you so you crawled thorough the tunnel then  you reached the end of the tunnel only to see armed guards walking around a dock but under the dock were metal cages you couldn't see what was inside but you looked around and hide in bush's to see that this outpost was stacked with want you and your crew needed so you decided to be a bit greedy and steal some items then you snuck near the dock to see what was Inside those cages then you saw mermaids trapped you saw enough and went back to your crew (2 more hours later) you arrived back at your almost finished republic and ran back to your crew and told them what you saw then all of you decided to attack the outpost later in the night (8 hours later) you and your crew set sailed and approach the the outpost then when you arrived and told your crew to follow you then you lead them to the tunnel you found and told them to be quiet since they're guards then you command some crewmates to ambush the guards then you see some crewmates  throw rocks as a distraction then the guards followed the noise but before they could turn around one of the crewmates slashed at their neck then you command the rest of your crew to kill any republican at the outpost and to Rob them of any belongings then the mermaids woke up form the sound of gun shoots stabing and screaming of guards then everything went quiet then the mermaids cage opened and released the mermaids then they peek out their heads and saw you and called out to you you noticed and walked to the dock and said your welcome then the mermaids said have you seen our little sister then you noticed the gems on their heads and put two and to together and said yes she is safe with me follow me I will lead you to her but first let me and My crew finish business here then when you and your crew finished raiding the outpost with all it's belongings you put all of it on your ship and sailed back home with the mermaids following you (2 hours later you arrived back at your republic you called out to black pearl she then came out of her cave were she was sleeping then she saw you and her sisters behind you then her sister's swim towards black pearl and hugged her with tears in their eyes then black pearl started to kiss you rapidly leaving marks and black lipstick around your face and cried while hugging you tight and said thank you darling so so much I didn't think I would ever see them again but here they are my sisters then you felt sleepy and fell asleep then you woke up on your bed and your clothes looking like you came out of a intestine make out session then you look at the mirror only to see bite marks and hickys all around you then you said to yourself damn Y/N you dirty dog ( phew this was the longest  one I have done yet hope you enjoyed)

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