sea fairy x sailor reader

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You were one day taking a little tirp with your boat at sea to find anything of interest seashells jewelry hell maybe even a abandoned ship but you didn't suspect a lady

Y/N: *sigh* nothing but water I see it's almost midnight and yet I have found nothing maybe it's best for me to turn around and go back home

When Y/N was thinking if they should turn around or not they saw a huge ice pillar off in the distance

Y/N: what the bloody hell why is there a ice pillar at sea I'm nowhere near the cold region so what's the deal maybe it's a iceberg will I won't know until I investigate

Y/N sails there ship to the ice pillar hopeing that something interesting well be found

Y/N: all right I made it to the ice pillar mayor there's something here wait what's that

Y/N saw a woman she seemed to be frozen and holding on to a short sword of some kind with a blue jem attached to it Y/N was confused but wanted to help so he tried to find a solution

Y/N: hmm what can I do wait was this the curse that my friends mentioned they said that only moonlight can't break the curse

Y/N saw some moonlight shine nearby and pushed the frozen lady towards the moonlight as Y/N pushed the lady in the moonlight the lady started to crack Y/N started to worry until the woman broke free releasing her beauty she opened her ocean blue eyes and said

Sea fairy: Thank you for freeing me form that curse you have my full gratitude here a reward for freeing me

She the kiss Y/N on the cheek leaving a blue kiss mark on their cheek she then walked towards the water and dive in Y/N followed her but when Y/N saw Sea fairy dive in they looked at the ocean and saw nothing

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