rye cookie x singer reader

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You were singing on a cliff to yourself it was a quiet night nobody in sight and no animals and you were bored playing with your banjo then you heard a sound you thought it was nothing so you ignored it then you heard a hey hands up you didn't move in fear then they said it even louder HANDS UP AND TURN AROUND PRETTY THANG you then turn around to face who ever was sticking you up and said in a calm voice I haven't done anything wrong sure that's what they all say the voice said then you replied with I'm not armed and I'm just trying to enjoy my tunes hold on can you come here for a sec I can't tell if your someone I met or someone just trying to enjoy the moonlight you approach the voice they were disappointed when they saw you and said dang for sure I had them this time had who you said a bandit I have been chasing for days now you the can finally make out who it was a female sheriff then you said um sheriff can I help with this bandit she laughed and said cute request but I don't know what a banjo is going to do with a bandit she said then you replied with maybe I can distract them long enough so you can do your thing she then said hmm not a bad idea meet me by the saloon the next morning then we can put our plan in motion (the next day) you walk towards the saloon then you saw the sheriff and discussed the plan with her then you sat down on a rocking chair and started to play your banjo then you saw the bandit you were nervous but kept your cool then the bandit approach you and said nice tunes you got there then you yell SHERIFF then you see a lasso tie down the bandit then the sheriff tied down the bandit and said thanks uhh what's your name Y/N you respond with rye the sheriff said then she kissed you on the cheek and said see you soon pretty Thang before walking away

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