- ͙۪۪̥˚┊37┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌

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Everyone rushed to the hospital after finally hearing that Izuku's water broke. The duo had just disappeared out of nowhere without a trace and it had them all worried. It turns out that when Izuku's water broke Zelus was so excited and panicked that he immediately took them to the heavens.

They'd have to go there anyways since human doctors would have no idea how to deliver demigods. It was long and complicated but after finally birthing the pups Katsuki final managed to get the man to let them go back to earth.

He obliged but not before turning their guest room into a hospital room. Once back and settled Katsuki called everyone and told them what happened and that they were back home. They immediately rushed over and were now crammed into their home. They were surprisingly quiet, being mindful of Izuku and the pups the best they could.

"Can we see them?" Dove asked.

"Actually I don't think that's a good idea right now," Katsuki sighed.

"What why not?"

"After he gave birth we had to take off his quirk restraints so he could heal up properly since we had a few complications. Right now his emotions are heightened and his instincts took over so he isn't himself right now. I'm not positive he won't see you as a threat and attack you so only the new pack can enter for now," Katsuki explained.

They nodded, "Alright we understand,"

Katsuki opened the door for the kids and after Katsuki went back in himself Chisaki followed and closed the door while everyone else went to the nursery. Seiji and the others paused taken aback, before them was a monstrously large green wolf.

They knew it was Izuku given his other mutations like his scales and such. He was laying in a large nest whining and whimpering as he kept nudging the legs of the incubator with his snout.

He wanted to lay in the nest with his pups but it was too unsafe and unsanitary for newborns even if they did grow faster than human pups. So Izuku could only curl around the incubator sadly, it took Katsuki an hour to get the saddened dam to stop howling.

They turned to Katsuki who sighed, "I said he wasn't himself,"

"Why is papa like this?" Sachi asked.

"Not sure, he just kinda turned in his sleep, and his instincts completely took over so I can't even communicate with him. I'm just hoping he could understand me," Katsuki yawned a little.

"Why don't you get some rest? We'll watch over them," Chisaki told him.

"I'll lay down for a bit but my Alpha's too restless to let me sleep," Katsuki chuckled.

Katsuki moved around the bed careful not to step on wolfku(I couldn't help myself) and lay across the bed. Seiji walked over to Izuku and held out his hand careful not to alarm or overwhelm him.

"Dad you in there?" He quietly asked.

Izuku stood up on all fours allowing them to see just how massive he actually was and slowly walked over. It's been so many years that they forgot just how large Izuku was in his wolf form. Izuku sniffed Seiji's hand and lowered himself to a crouching position as his tail went between his legs and licked Seiji's hand a little.

"Why is he submitting to me?" Seiji frowned.

"Because his instincts are telling him you're a prime Alpha which means you're above him," Katsuki said from the bed.

"That should be the other way around, he's ten times stronger than me," The male huffed lowly as he brushed through Izuku's thick and soft fur.

"Can't you turn into a wolf too? You can do almost everything Papa can do," Sachi said excitedly.

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