"I'm hungry" Joshua whispered in Taehyung's ear who was so focused. Right now both of them are having English Literature class. Taehyung's full attention in class whereas Joshua sitting next to him
is feeling hungrytaehyung looked at joshua "I have a chocolate bar, do you want it?" He asked as Joshua nodded his head
Taehyung opened his mouth and took out chocolate and handed it to Joshua. "Didn't you have breakfast in the morning?" He asked
Joshua who is unwrapping the chocolate shake his head "nahh"
"I was not hungry at that time"
Taehyung sighed and looked at his teacher who was reading a poem
"Deep inside a wounded heart,
Lies the memory of a childhood start
Aching pain that won't subside
Ghost of memories that never died.Everyday feels like a fight,
Darkness lurking in the light
Haunted by what was done
Haunted by what is goneEchoes of voices that once were near,
Whispers of sadness that refused to clear
Every step feel like a struggle
Every day feels like a juggleBut hope shall not be dead,
Healing is just ahead
Courage to move through pain
Happy childhood memories to regainThe past may have left it's mark
But it won't define a life that's stark
A bright future can still form
A new chapter can be born”"Do you guys like this poem?" Mrs. Park asked the students as she close the book and put it on the table
Some of the students said yes to her while some of them think it's boring. Litrature, poems and writing is not for everyone.
Taehyung's whole childhood flashed in from of his eyes, he can somewhat relate to it.
Mrs. Park smiled at her students, she took a deep breath "can any of you explain this poem in simple words?" She ask
Vernon raise his hand, he's good at studies and specially litrature
"Yes Vernon, explain it to us"
Vernon stood up "the poet is talking about the childhood traumas. Some children have many happy childhood memories, but when some of them sit down to remember their childhood memories, they only remember pains and sufferings. But as the writer said: Even if the past left a mark it doesn't mean we will always remain in that trauma, we can create new memories. we can be happy if we try”
Mrs. Park nodded her head and ask him to sit down "you're smart Vernon, I think you like poems". Vernon nodded his head
"What Vernon said is true, and every people has their own opinions. What if the poet wanted to said something else?" She pause for a second "we are afraid of letting go of the things even it's a person, our favourite things, our hobbys or even our traumas. It's natural for human beings but as Vernon said we can be happy if we try"
All the students started focusing on what the teacher said. Those who found it boring were now listening to her attentively
"Don't let your past effect your future, you guys are young try new things and live your life. I know it's not easy but again we can try right?" She smiled as the students nodded their head.
"As I said People have their own opinions, how about you guys share you opinion with me? I'll give you people a week, you all read some poems and give your views on the ones you like"
The bell rang indicating it's lunch time now. Mrs park left the class and students start going out of the class too
"I don't know why but I like this poem and I'm excited about this" Joshua said
"Me too, let's go the library in free period if you want" Taehyung said
"Okay but first let's go the cafeteria, I'm hungry"
"You ate a chocolate bar"
"And what a chocolate can do?"
Taehyung sighed and left the class and Joshua followed him. They arrived at the cafeteria and sat on the table near the window
"What you wanna order?"
"Burger and fries for me" Taehyung replied
"Okay! Don't go anywhere without me" Joshua giggled
Taehyung is missing jimin, it's not he's not enjoying Joshua's company but Jimin is his bestfriend and he's sick. They were always together and now that he's not there with Taehyung, he's missing his yapping even more.
He is waiting for Joshua to come back, he looked out of the window. Vernon was right, Taehyung can be happy if he try. He was thinking about the consequences like what if things go worse?
But he forgot that it's important to try and now he has Jungkook. They have met a few days ago but Taehyung is sure that Jungkook won't hurt me and he will help him no matter what.
Isn't it beautiful? A person you met a few days ago became your comfort person in just a few days and now you can't even imagine your life without them
Taehyung wants to be happy and he's sure that he's gonna try. Afterall it's his life....
Hey babies
Sorry for the late update! My exams are over 🥰
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And ignore the mistakes

Forever in your Arms ♡
Fanfiction"will you treat me better Mr. Jeon?" Top koo/ bottom tae ♡