“so you both are leaving?”
Jungkook nodded at Mingyu “we don't have any other options” Jungkook sighed as he remembered their encounter. Never in a million years Jungkook though that it will turn out like this, he always knew that Mrs Kim will make a fuss about their relationship and he was kinda okay with it because he thought he will smoothly handle the things in future.She warned him to stay AWAY from Taehyung yet they're sleeping under the same roof top.
“but you know that Mrs Kim is not an easy woman, she's one of the best lawyers in our country” Mingyu said, it's a fact!
“i know everything Mingyu–” he turned to him “you know when I was younger my grandfather used to tell me that one day you will find someone who will fill the voids in your life you never knew existed I used to think that love isn't meant for me or you can say I made up my mind that I'll never find someone in this life but when I saw Taehyung, I felt something in my heart I don't know how to explain it but it's just — it's just I wanna make him happy, seeing him smiling heals something in me. I want to spend the rest of my life with him”
Mingyu placed his hand on Jungkook's shoulder “I am always with you and will help you in any situation and you know it and stop talking like this! I'm feeling single”
he laughed at his own statement“i know, you're my bestfriend” he paused “but please find someone for yourself”
Mingyu shook his head and completely ignored the second part “so what's the plan?”
“we are moving to New york”
“tomorrow, I already talked to our manager so I can get my transfer”
Mingyu wasn't so happy after hearing this news, his friends from years is moving away— to a different country but he knows that it's the best for everyone
Taehyung is sleeping on Jungkook's bed.
Jungkook recalled their previous conversation“I hate being someone who has been chronically depressed my entire life because at this point it’s just annoying and feels juvenile to spend weeks of my life consumed by the thoughts like “oh no I wanna die again”
“my baby, you were alone but now you have me and we will face everything together and it's okay to feel this way. You're a human afterall but the most important thing is You are worthy of love. You are worthy to feel joy, even in the darkness. And just in case you’re wondering… I’m not going anywhere, unless you tell me to leave, and even then, we might need to negotiate.”
Jungkook smiled softly and hugged Taehyung
“i love you so much”
“i love you the most my love”
Taehyung did not sleep so easily, Jungkook explained to him for an hour that this is the best option for them to move to new york and start their new life.
“Expect change. You may sense a calm before things pick up or start moving quickly. As you reflect on what’s ending, prepare for a renewed intensity and excitement. Embrace the cycle of beginnings and endings” mingyu said
“stop talking like a philosopher”
“im trying to cheer you up”
They both shared a laugh and with that this hectic day come to an end for them
“theyre leaving tomorrow for new york”
Mrs Kim sipped her coffee, as mingyu said— she's not an easy woman. No one knows what is going on in her head“So what is your plan now?”
“ill tell you later” she smriked
Ayo ladies and gentlemen!!
I'm really sorry for being inactive here
I hope you guys understand!
Make sure to like and comment and please ignore the mistakes 🥹

Forever in your Arms ♡
Fanfiction"will you treat me better Mr. Jeon?" Top koo/ bottom tae ♡