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Jungkook is working on his laptop, he used to do a few shows in korea but ever since he came here, he's only doing some major work. Sometimes he writes the script of the radio show or sometimes handles the technical problems

“Im swaped bro, this is too much” A yawn left Bangchan's mouth. He stretches his hands

Jungkook smiled lightly “it's been so long since I did any show”

“what was the name of your show? The one you used to do in korea?” Bangchan asks

“still with you”.

Still with you was the show where the lovers can dedicate a song to their loved ones, Jungkook sometimes interacts with the callers. Asked them about how they
met or how it's going on. He misses this

Mr Park came enters the office

“hows everything going?” he asks his employes

“here comes the —” Bangchan mutters but quickly stops when he see Jungkook glaring at him, he shows him a innocent smile
“Sir, May I talk to you about something?” Jungkook asks, Mr Park nods his head

“Its been months since I joined this office, I want to continue my show Still with you, the one I used to do in korea” he says as polietly as he can

Mr Park smirked “this is not Korea Jungkook, this is new york and I'm the one who will decide what you can do or what you not”

Jungkook feels a little disappointment

“but sir” Bangchan tries to say something but Mr Park quickly shut him “stop taking his side and do your work properly and you” he turns to Jungkook

“i heard you're living with you boyfriend and you guys ran away from home? How interesting”

Jungkook look at him in disbelief
(He literally tells everyone about it), everyone is looking at him

“sir this is my personal matter” he says

“personal matter huh? I'm saying this for your own good, he will leave you one when he will get bore of you. You guys are young now but someday you will get tired of eachother” he spits “who knows if he will leave you for another man”

That's it.

Jungkook raise his head “This is my personal matter and I don't want anyone to involve in it, and whether he will leave me or not is none of anyone's business”

“I see, you're getting angry on me right now but one day you will thank me” Mr Park replies and leaves from there

“son of a bítch” Bangchan mutters “are you okay? Don't mind him Jungkook”

Nayeon come towards them, she was standing outside the office “I heard everything” she looks at Jungkook
“no need to overthink about it, we all know how much you two love eachother and this motherfvcker is always like this, i remember one time he refused to give a day off to Mrs Yin when she was pregnant”

Jungkook nods his head “thankyou so much guys, I don't know why he hates me so much”

“he hated everyone who has brain” Nayeon replies with a giggle

Jungkook smiles a little. He wanted to say so many things to Mr Park but he controlled himself as he's not in the position, not right now and when they both are struggling for a stable life

Little did Jungkook know that Mrs Kim is behind this mess.

On the other side—

“i want to work so I can help Jungkook” Tae says to both Mingyu and Jimin

“Jungkook will never allow it” Mingyu replies as a matter of fact. He knows his bestfriend pretty well

It's true, Jungkook wants Tae to live a life like a normal teenager.

Tae sighs “you don't know how I feel whenever I see him with that exhausted face, I know he's struggling but he's hiding it from me because he doesn't want this all to affect me. He's working hard so I can go to a better university”

Jimin pats his back “we know tae, even we don't like it but you know how stubborn he is”

Mingyu sit up straight “you can apply the scholarship in the university, i heard you're good at paining”

“yeah I'm thinking of it” Tae replies “but still I want to work”

“do you know anyone who could offer you a work?” Jimin asks

“Vernon's friend own a cafe, I can apply there but I don't want Jungkook to know about it or else you guys know what will happen” he looks at Mingyu

Jimin won't say anything as he's tae friend but Mingyu...

“dont worry I won't say anything to him but I'll go with you”

Tae smiles and hugs Mingyu “thankyouuu hyung”

The Strom is coming......


Hyeaa babies!!
Ignore the mistakes

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⏰ Last updated: 13 hours ago ⏰

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