Joshua returned with a tray of food in his hand and sat in front of Taehyung. "What are you thinking?" He asked Taehyung who was staring out the window.
"About the project” he replied
"Just eat your food right now, we will think about it later" Joshua said as he took a bite from his burger. He moaned as the flavours hit his Mouth
"Where are your friends?" Taehyung asked
"I told them that I'll be hanging out with you today, I guess they're at the rooftop"
"Oh by the way it's a free period after lunch so let's go to the library"
Joshua nodded his head.
Taehyung and Joshua are in the library, trying to find the perfect poems for them,
Joshua was looking for a book at the back side of the library and Taehyung was looking for a book at the front side."Taehyung I found a poem" Joshua spoke a little louder, but the librarian immediately silenced him. He apologized and made his to Taehyung.
They sat near the bookshelves as Joshua flipped the pages of the book in his hands
"you are very fast" Taehyung whispered
Joshua turned another page and finally found the poem. "This" he pointed at the paper "the rose family but Robert Frost"
“the rose is a rose,
And was always a rose
But the theory now goes
That the apple's a rose
And the pear is, so's
The plums, I suppose
The dear only knows
What will next prove a rose
You, of course, are a rose
But were always a rose”"What do you think about this poem? I really like it" Joshua looked at Taehyung
"I love it but what kind of poem is it?""I think this is a metaphor poem as the poet is comparing the fruits to rose but on the other hand, the take-home message is only you, dear, are genuinely a rose. I think he's trying to assure a person that they're the only genuine one"
Joshua explained his point of view
"Roses in literature and poetry often symbolize eternal or timeless love. Red roses suggest passion or romantic interest, and they have been used throughout the canon of literature to allude to deep and lasting emotion, i like this poem too" Taehyung finished his sentence
"Oh my god thankyou for helping me, I'll write it down so I can say this in the class" Joshua wrote down the information
"Haven't you found any poem?"
Taehyung shook his head, a pour formed on her lips
"Let me help you" Joshua suggested. And they began to find the poem on again
After fifteen minutes of searching for a book, Taehyung finally going the poem. He smiled happily and messeged Joshua.
"Finally" Joshua placed his hands on his chest and took a deep breath. He was acting as if he had come running after someone "what's the title?"
"How do I love thee? By Elizabeth Barret Browning"
“how do i love thee? Let me count the ways
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of being and ideal gace
I love thee to the levet of everyday's
Most quiet need, by sun and cangle light
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood faiths
I love thee with the love I seem to lose
With my lost saints, —i love thee with the breath
Smile, tears and of all my life! —and, if god choose,
I shall but love thee better after death”Joshua looked at Taehyung "I like it, but tell me more about it"
"This poem begins by declaring that it is possible to count the ways in which one loves. But it ends by looking forward to heaven and the afterlife, a time in which it will no longer be possible to measure love, because love will be infinite"
"This is —" Joshua whispered but Taehyung cut him off "beautiful right?" Joshua nodded his head slightly. He was amazed by the poem
"But for whom did the poet write this poem? I can say that her partner was lucky"
"For her husband" Taehyung replied " now we just need to analyse these poems"
With that both of them left the library.
Hey babies! Make sure to vote, comment and share this story and ignore the mistakes 💕

Forever in your Arms ♡
Fanfiction"will you treat me better Mr. Jeon?" Top koo/ bottom tae ♡