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The maid's knock at the door was like a whispered secret, and Y/n's eyes snapped towards the entrance as the door swung open, revealing a vision of loveliness. A young woman, with skin as smooth as alabaster and hair as dark as the night, stood before him, her eyes sparkling like diamonds in the dim light. Y/n's gaze lingered on her, her mind racing with questions: Who was this stunning creature? And why was she here?
The women:

 Y/n's gaze lingered on her, her mind racing with questions: Who was this stunning creature? And why was she here?The women:

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Just as she was about to turn away, Mrs. Kim emerged from the living room, her eyes fixed on the young woman. Her face lit up with a warm smile, and she exclaimed.

Mrs. Kim:Omo, Luna! How are you?

The young woman, Luna, returned the smile, her voice like music as she replied.

Luna:Hello, Aunty. I'm good. How are you?

Mrs. Kim's expression turned stern, and she chided.
Mrs. Kim:I am also good, but I'm a little angry at you. Why didn't you come to Taehyung's wedding?
(Her words were like a gentle rebuke, but Luna's eyes never wavered.)

Luna:I'm sorry, Aunty. (Luna apologized, her voice laced with regret.) I had very important work that I couldn't leave behind. But now that I've finished my work, I've come to congratulate the new couple.

Luna's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she asked.
Luna:Where is Taehyung's wife?
(Her voice was like a gentle breeze on a summer's day)

Mrs. Kim's gaze flicked towards Y/n, who was standing behind her, and then back to Luna. Her eyes seemed to hold a thousand secrets, and for a moment, it was as if the air was charged with anticipation.

Mrs. Kim's voice was like honey, smooth and sweet, as she replied.
Mrs. Kim:This is Y/n, Taehyung's wife.
She turned to Y/n, her eyes sparkling with warmth, and said.
Mrs. Kim:And Y/n, this is Taehyung's cousin, Luna.

Luna's eyes widened with surprise, and Y/n's face lit up with excitement.
Y/n:It's so great to finally meet you, Luna! (she said, her voice filled with enthusiasm.)

Luna's smile matched Y/n's as she replied.
Luna:The pleasure is all mine. I've heard so much about you from Mrs. Kim.

As they walked into the living room, Y/n and Luna chatted easily about their shared love of music and art. Mrs. Kim sat down with them, happy to see her family members getting along so well.

Y/n felt grateful for the new friendship that was blossoming between her and Luna. She was very happy to have someone who understands her.

As they sipped their tea and ate their cake, Y/n leaned over to Luna and whispered.
Y/n:Thank you for being so kind and understanding. I'm really glad we met.

Luna's smile warmed Y/n's heart as she replied.
Luna:Me too, Y/n. Me too.

And that's a wrap for now! Friends are forming, and the adventure is just beginning... Stay tuned for the next part, coming soon!

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