Chapter 1

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The day of the trial had arrived. Louise hadn't slept well at all. Brendon was fast asleep next to her. She could hear his little snores. Louise tried to go back to sleep for a bit, but it was no good. She looked at the alarm clock. 4.30am. Louise sighed deeply, realising she wasn't going to get anymore sleep. Getting out of bed Louise slipped on her robe and went through to the kitchen to make some coffee.
Louise sat on the couch with her coffee, stroking Xena, and watching the sun rise. She heard a noise and it was her mother getting up.
"Hey Mom" Louise said smiling.
"Hey honey, couldn't sleep?"
Louise shook her head. "There's fresh coffee in the pot"
"Thanks, Lou."Edith said and poured herself a cup. She sat down on the couch with Louise.
"Honey, we know today will be tough. You have us all here with you, you know. Everyone of us will be in that courtroom with you."
"I know Mom. It helps knowing I have all this support, but I am still nervous. But once he's back in prison for this, I won't be looking over my shoulder all the time" Edith took Louise's hand and kissed her cheek.
Louise got off the couch to feed the pets and start some breakfast. Brendon came out of the bedroom. He had bedhair, and his black rimmed glasses on. He looked adorable, right in this moment.
"Morning, baby" his voice all raspy. He kissed her and went to use the bathroom.

As Louise approached the court house, there were dozens of Journalists and tv news reporters. "How are you feeling?" , "Will he be set free?" "Does Brendon want nothing to do with you after this?" These questions and more were what was bombarded towards Louise, as she climbed up the steps. She saw her friends stood at the top, waiting. They all had a group hug and went in.
Louise was pacing back and forth, breathing heavily, outside the court room. Grace stood up and stopped Louise from pacing.
" Lou, you are going to run a hole in these tiles" Grace chuckled and hugged Louise. They were called into the court room. Louise held her mother's and Brendons hands as they walked in. She could feel his eyes on her, as soon as they entered. Louise went and sat at the desk with her lawyer. Brendon, her mother and friends, sat directly behind her. They all gave her words of encouragement and a thumbs up. Karl snarled at this. He hadn't banked on Louise having support. He thought if she didn't have support, she wouldn't testify against him. But Louise was determined to do this, regardless of whether she had support or not.
"All rise!" The court bailiff called out.
The judge, a lady in her 50s entered the court room.
"Good morning all. You may be seated. I am Judge Joyce Kincaid"
Everyone sat down and the trial began. There was a lot of legal stuff to get through first, which h took up the whole morning. By lunchtime, Louise felt less nervous. Court was adjourned until 2pm. So they decided to go out for lunch.
Louise realised that this could take longer than the one day, she thought it would.

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