Chapter 10

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With getting everything ready for the wedding and Brendon promoting Pray for the Wicked, Louise was constantly busy. If she wasn't working, she was sorting wedding things out or doing chores at home. Brendon was away for a couple of days.
Brendon spoke to his lawyer,  about the Meredith situation, and she was given a restraining order not to approach either of them. The hope was this would deter her.
Louise got home after a long busy day. She had to do stock take, so it was late when she finished. She got Taco Bell on her way home. She had asked Katie to stop by their house to feed the pets and walk the dogs. When Louise got through the door she could hear Xena snoring. Bogart looked up from the dog bed, and went back to sleep. Penny Lane was eating.  Louise sat at the kitchen island and ate her food, enjoying the silence. Then she heard a noise, like pebbles being thrown at the living room window. Louise got up and peeked through the vertical blinds. She couldn't see anything. After what happened with Karl last year, they had extra security put into the house.
Louise walked back into the kitchen and finished her food. Louise was exhausted, so she had a little stroke with the pets and then went to bed.
Louise woke up in the middle of the night. She could swear there was someone stood at the foot of the bed. When she looked, there was no one there, though.
The next morning Louise woke up and went to check her phone. It wasn't there though. Louise thought she had put it on charge last night. Louise got up and went to use the bathroom. She could hear her phone ringing. Destiny's Child, Survivor was all that could be heard. Louise finished in the bathroom and went on the hunt for her phone. She found it near the front door, on the console table.
'Strange.' Louise thought frowning. Her phone rang again, it was Brendon. She answered the call and had a 20 minute chat with him. He said he would be flying back home this afternoon, so it would be late night when he finally got back home. Louise had to hang up as she needed to get ready for work.

The day seemed to drag for both Brendon and Louise.  Finally it was home time. Louise drove home. She was off for a few days, so she was looking forward to spending some quality with her fiancé.
Louise got home and decided to take the dogs to the dog park. It was a lovely summers day. Louise put her sunglasses on and sighed, enjoying the sun. "Come on guys." She said and the 2 dogs trotted with Louise, on their leads. Brendon was on his flight back to LAX, so she wouldn't hear from him, for a while. Louise let the dogs have a good run, off lead. They played with other dogs too. After 20 minutes of exercise, it was home time. Louise called them over and back on leash they went.
Louise got back into the house. She was in such a good mood. She decided on a salad for dinner. It was too hot for anything else. After her dinner Louise had  a cool shower. She changed into shorts and a tank top, got herself a drink and went to sit by the pool. Louise sat on a pool lounger, with her book, enjoying the end of the day sun. Bogart came and laid next to her, on the lounger.
She must have fallen asleep  because when she woke up it was dark and Brendon was stood over. Bogart was still snoring away.
"Bren!" Louise exclaimed and jumped up. She kissed him.
"Hey Lou. I missed you." Penny Lane came out to see her Daddy. She was jumping up at his legs. "Ok Ok Pen!" Brendon laughed and picked her up. Louise took her things indoors and started to get sorted for bed. Brendon followed, still holding Penny. Bogart woke up and went to get his kisses too.
Louise got into bed and turned her bedside lamp out. It had been another exhausting day. It was nearly Labor Day Weekend, so everyone wanted clothes, for it. Brendon got in beside her and put his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him. Louise smiled and fell asleep.

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