Chapter 2

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As I wait for him to speak I take a moment to look at him. Boss has tan skin and almost jet black hair parted on the right with a slight swoop. He has a sharp jawline and the most striking deep blue eyes I've ever seen. For a mafia boss he is quite young at only 23 years old but when you look at him he seems older and tougher as if the world had hardened him and stolen his youth. When he takes his jacket off and rolls up his sleeves I can see the tattoos on his arms. I know they tell a story and although I'll never ask to hear I will always want to know.
I can see how stressed he is and frustrated but I don't say anything as it is not my place to notice things. "Why do you do that?" He asks me. "Do what?" I ask not knowing what he is talking about. "Why do you study people?" I think about it for a moment and then reply "why shouldn't I? Shouldn't one always be aware of their surroundings and the people near them?" Boss chuckles "there's being aware of your surroundings and then there's studying people" "you study people as if you want to know everything about them so you know what to expect" I look down as I realize he is right and that I have to reply. "Is that so wrong?" I answer. Boss shakes his head and says "no I'm just curious as to why a 17 year old is so observant and protective, most girls your age are completely oblivious and naive" I don't answer. "Rae" he says in a tone the is unlike the one he normally uses it's softer. "Yes boss" I say as I look up at him. "You don't have to call me Boss when it's the 2 of us you know that right? You can just call me Ryder" I stiffen at the thought and shake my head. "No sir, my apologies but that would be disrespectful and you are my Boss" I watch as boss stands up and walks around his desk to stand in front of me. "Rae I'm your boss but I also care about you I care about all of my employees especially the ones that risk their lives to protect mine like you do" "I'm just curious as to why you are the way you are. I would like to know what made you the person and driver that you are" I look up and mentally makes sure my walls are fully up and reply "I'm just your driver it's my job to protect you and to be the best driver there is. As far as my reasons those don't matter as long as I'm good at what I do" Boss sighs and simply says "ready to go"
I stand up and follow him back downstairs and out to ghost. Boss sits in the back and we make our way back to the house with one detour at the club. When we park at the club I stay in the car and make note of the time 2:30am. Boss says to give him 5 minutes and he heads in to check on the nights earnings at the club. I quickly pull out the questionnaire and finish filling it out barely paying attention to the questions just choosing the safest answer for each. Before I can put it away Boss gets back in the car and says let's go.
As we are driving back to the house boss leans into the front seat and grabs the questionnaire. "What's this? homework?" I nod my head in reply and he starts skimming over the answers. I can see his jaw clench "is there something wrong?" I ask. "Question 2 you don't see yourself getting married?" I laugh "no sir" Boss hands me back my homework and sits back making himself comfortable. "why don't you see yourself getting married?" without even thinking i respond "marriage is 2 people who love each other promising to spend forever together. You have to believe in love in order for that to happen." I didnt even register those words before i said them and i immediately stiffened in my seat, I drove faster hoping to get out of this situation. Boss notices my response and lets the conversation drop but i have a feeling he wont forget what i said.
When we get close to the house Boss tells me to go to the training grounds. I try not to get my hopes up but I can't help it the training grounds is my favorite place to go. "Alright ready to practice?" He says as we exit ghost and get into the training vehicle. "I was born ready sir" I state as I start the engine and begin the course. After practicing all of the usual things I get bored. Boss must've noticed because he buckled his seat "alright go for it" my eyes sparkle as I know exactly what he means. Boss knows I love to practice recklessly and that I've been dying to practice roll overs. I grin and go for it. After a few minutes I go for the roll over and for the first time I don't hesitate and it goes perfectly....well except that we got stuck upside down. In a second I'm unbuckled and before I can get to boss he is pull me out of the vehicle. Stunned I try to resist but he tightens his hold on me and I let him get me out of the vehicle. As soon as we are clear of the vehicle Boss asks if I'm okay and I reply "yes but im supposed to be keeping you safe not the other way around" Boss sighs and puts me down. "Thank you for getting me out of the car" I add. Boss smiles "you're welcome" we head back to the house and before I can leave to go home Boss stops me. "Next weeks trip is just the 2 of us, Dean has to be in Buffalo for family reasons is that okay?" I nod my head "of course"
I head back to ghost and grab my homework. I slip off my purple wig and take off my signature Rae makeup. I head over to my civic and drive home. By the time I get home it's 5am. I sneak into my room through the window and get ready for bed just in time to get 45 minutes of sleep and be up for school.

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