Chapter 11

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Ryder says "we have the rest of the day off anything you want to do?" I think about it "are there any buffets in London I'm starving." I say and Ryder instantly busts out laughing "you and your appetite" I follow his directions and we arrive at a cute restaurant with a buffet and I grin when I see all the food. We get a table and I head off the get some food. When we sit back down we eat in comfortable silence. After a few minutes he clears his throat and says "are you okay?" I look up at him "why wouldn't I be?" I ask not quite sure what he means and he sighs "you do realize you just stabbed someone right? Twice" I shrug my shoulders "it's kinda my thing it doesn't bother me." Ryder leans back in his chair staring at me "why do I feel like there's a story there?" He says and I put my fork down and take a sip of my Dr. Pepper. "So last year I went to prom with a guy as a favor and I was sitting at a table eating a slice of cake and the guy decided to put his hand on my thigh...I stabbed him in the leg with my fork." I thought I'd freak out that I intentionally hurt someone but it didn't phase me at all." I sigh "I don't mean to say that I'm heartless but I didn't kill either person correct?" Ryder nods "so what's the big deal? I don't see why it should effect me at all." I say and look down at my food. Ryder thinks for a moment and then shakes his head "you're something else Rae" I just shrug and go back to eating when I'm suddenly reminded I forgot to take out my earpiece again "dude remind me not to get in the way of you eating cake" Reese says and then laughs in my ear. I roll my eyes and say "shut up Reese cup" and Ryder laughs while Reese yells profanities in my ear and I take out the earpiece. When we're done eating Ryder asks me what I'd like to do next and I check to see if there are any stores nearby.
When we get to the nearest store i am delighted to see that they have a baby section and quickly grab a cart and head towards the aisle. Ryder follows behind me "something I should know?" I roll my eyes "it's for Chelsea and Adrian" I begin grabbing teddy bears and cute baby clothes and when I spot a Harry Potter baby blanket I immediately grab it and put it in the cart. "That's enough for now" I say and head to the checkout counter. When I get to the counter I see a Reese cup and take a picture of it and send it in a group chat to Dean, Ryder and Reese with the caption "look I found a Reese cup for our Reese cup" and seconds after hitting send my phone begins going off with texts between Dean and Reese. I laugh and put my phone in my pocket. When I go to pay Ryder beats me to it and says "we can tell them it's from us I didn't think to get them anything before the baby comes" I nod and we load up ghost with everything we purchased.
When we get in the car Ryder checks his phone and tells me "Adrian is busy for the rest of the evening so we'll bring the gifts over tomorrow" I nod in agreement and start the engine "where to now?" I ask and Ryder thinks for a moment before telling me the directions to a gym. When we get there I look around half expecting a super fancy gym instead of what appears to be a run down gym. "What are we doing here?" I ask and Ryder just walks into the building without answering so I follow him. When we get to the front desk Ryder reaches over the desk and hits a button and when he does a door in the corner of the room opens and Ryder gestures for me to follow him. We go through the opened door and down a short hallway that leads to a staircase. We go downstairs and into a huge gym with a boxing ring, several target ranges, punching bags, a rock wall and tons of exercise equipment. I stand in awe "can I stay here forever?" I ask and Ryder laughs "changing room is over there get dressed and meet me in the ring in 5" I head to the changing room and see a rack of workout clothes and pick a sports bra and shorts and get changed. I head out to the ring to meet Ryder. When he sees me he he gestures to my wig and I shake my head no "it stays" I say and he gets a stern look in his eyes "off" I sigh and remove my wig and throw my hair into a bun. "Good now get in the ring we're fighting" he says and I get in the ring. We begin the match easy and Ryder throws the first punch and I dodge it "you have to attack" he says "no going easy give it all you've got" he adds and I shrug "your funeral" and immediately shift my stance. I block his second punch a land a kick to his side, he grabs my foot and tries to flip me but I use the momentum to jump over him and take him down to the mat. He quickly recovers lands a blow to my side I duck down and swiftly hook my arm behind his leg and cause him to fall down I immediately pin him to the ground. "Alright you win this round" he says and stands up "how's your side?" He ask gesturing to my still bruised abdomen "it's be better if you didn't aim for it" I state and he rolls his eyes "I knew it was injured and used it to my advantage" I laugh "and how well did that work for you?" I ask knowing he failed "we'll see who is cocky after the next round" he remarks and we begin circling each other. Ryder wins the next round and I become determined to beat him. I repeat the same two words over and over in my head "no weaknesses no weaknesses" and go fully into my stone cold Rae mode. Ryder notices and turns serious as well. After several attacks, blocks and counterattacks the match is over and Ryder beat me by a hair. "Don't get mad you put up a better fight than anyone else has in a very long time" I roll my eyes "don't flatter me I need to work harder" I say and grab a water "I'm not flattering you I gave it my all just to barely beat you in a practice match" I never have to give it my all against Dean and he's the best fighter we've got." I smile and reply "thanks but I'll get you next time" we get changed and head back to the hotel.

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