Chapter 1

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Hi my name is Aria Roberts and this is the story of my life...well the story of my life that nobody knows about.
At school everyone knows me as Aria Roberts the girl who has no life outside of school, who doesn't go to games, parties, band concerts, dates or anything outside of school because I'm "sheltered" and have "strict parents". Outside of school my name is Rae and I'm a driver. No, not a taxi or Uber driver. I'm the one you call when you need either A to disappear or B a getaway driver. I've NEVER failed at my job which is why I'm allowed to go to school and have a "normal" life. So long as I do my job I get to have my normal school life. Lucky for me boss only needs me at nights and I know how to drive fast and go undetected, so I can still live in the small town of cloverfield and make it to the city of Philadelphia to work each night. You'd think living an hour away has its disadvantages but you'd be wrong. Nobody knows me and nobody recognizes me. Besides I drive a different car in each place at home I drive a beat up 95 civic and at work I drive my custom built 2012 Cadillac CT5 Blackwing known as ghost. I'm probably the only girl my age that can drive a manual transmission vehicle and the only 18 year old girl working as a driver but hey they always tell you to do what makes you happy right?
*buzz**buzz* I take my phone out of my pocket and discreetly check it to find out boss needs me the entire spring break starting immediately after school Friday. I sigh and count down the days til Friday and plan to take a 1/2 day so I can get to work early. Becca hears my sigh and snaps me out of my thoughts. "You okay?" She looks worried but I just smile and say "yeah just hope this weeks flies by I'm ready for spring break" immediately Becca busts out laughing "you're ready to stay home and do nothing while everyone else goes to the beach or somewhere else on vacation?" I roll my eyes "it's just a week off school not a week long party why not just relax? and besides isn't Mr. Jennings giving us an exam worth 30% of our grade the day we come back? Shouldn't we be studying for that?" I reply knowing that I never study and still pass every test except math. "Oh he's probably just bluffing besides we're both passing with at least a 96 in his class
we'll be fine you should live a little." (Psssshhhhhttt if you only knew I had more adventure in 1 week than our entire class in a lifetime)
By the end of the day I have 2 papers to write and a questionnaire on what I want my life to be in 10 years. As I walk to my car talking to Becca my phone rings and without looking at it I answer with the sweetest voice I can make "hey mom what's up?" Reese chuckles "Boss needs you asap something came up and it's gonna be a long night hope you don't have any homework" Reese hangs up but not before he chuckles again. I know I'm gonna get teased for the sweet girl voice I used but that's okay he won't be laughing for long. I wave bye to Becca and drive off to work making sure not to be followed.
When I park at boss's place I quickly pull out the questionnaire and mark "big house" next to the question about what type of home do you want. I quickly adjust my signature purple wig and check my makeup before heading inside. As soon as I enter the house I can hear Reese in the kitchen using a high pitched girly voice "hey mom" I grit my teeth and sneak up behind him. The room goes silent except for Reese and everyone just looks at me knowing exactly what is about to happen. Before he can register what is happening I have him on his back with his hands above his head and fear written in his eyes. I slowly lean down and use my dark voice reserved only for when I'm Rae and remind him "I may be 17 but I've kicked your ass more times than you've gotten laid so I would watch what I say if I were you" before I stand up I head butt him to break his nose and knee him in the groin. As he groans in pain I hear the familiar footsteps of boss walking in and immediately stand up ready to go. As boss walks in he glances at Reese on the floor holding his groin with blood dripping from his nose and sighs "when will you stop letting her beat the crap out of you?" I snicker and boss sends me a look letting me know it's time. I head out of the house with boss and his second in command Dean, they get in the backseat and I drive off following the coordinates given to me. As we pull up to the destination I notice it's another warehouse and glance around for the best exit route just in case. Boss and Dean head inside but not before reminding me to keep the car running and stay vigilant. I nod at them and lock the doors. As I wait for them to come out I finish one paper and start back on the questionnaire. Question 2 "do you see yourself married?" I simply mark no and continue to the next question. Question 3 "do you see yourself in an office job or hands on job?" I circle hands on without even thinking. Who could sit at a desk all day long? Before I can continue my sense go into overdrive and I look up in time to see the door burst open and Boss running out with Dean close behind and guns ready to fire. I unlock the doors and open the passenger door for Boss. Boss hops in and Dean fires 3 shots and jumps in the backseat. I put the pedal to the metal and drive as fast as I can. A bullet hits my window and I growl as Dean rolls his window down firing back. It takes me only moments to lose them and get us a safe distance away. Dean leans into the front seat and hands boss a flash drive. I pretend not to notice and ask what our next stop is as it's only midnight. Boss glances at his watch and tells me to drive to lombardos to pick up dinner. Dean calls in the order and asks if I want anything to which I reply no. I make a point to not eat on the job.
As we pull up to lombardos a man comes out and delivers our food. I notice the man's expression shift as he looks at me and I discreetly tap boss's leg to let him know i sense trouble. Within seconds a black suv pulls up in front of us and I throw ghost into reverse and floor it. Before I get far another suv tries to cut me off but I turn just in time and am back on the road dodging cars and trying to lose our new friends. Boss is on the phone and tells me it's Stavros's men. I immediately growl and start heading to the office uptown. It takes me a minute to lose one of the SUVs and in no time we're at the office. I pull up to the gate and use the retina scanner to get into the underground parking garage. I park in front of the door and follow Boss and Dean inside. Once inside I toss my keys to Stanley so that he can check ghost out and make sure she's ready to go.
I follow Boss to his office and sit down. Dean drops off his food after making sure it's safe to eat and leaves shutting the door behind him. Boss sits down at his desk and sighs.

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