Chapter 20

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I wake up at 6 and get ready for school I throw on some jeans and a blue v-neck shirt with a white cami underneath it and straighten my blonde hair. I apply mascara and foundation for makeup and then put on my Skechers canvas shoes and head to school. When I get to school I realize I am one of the first ones here as always so I pull out my phone and check it for messages. I notice I have no messages from Ryder or Dean and a picture of Reese in his hufflepuff robe drinking his butterbeer and waving his wand, I laugh and reply "miss you bestie". After a few minutes I decide to text Victor "since you have a nickname for me can I give you a nickname?" a moment later he replies "within reason yes" I think about it "how about Vic?" I ask and get an instant reply "am I a girl?" I laugh at that "nope okay what about.....Thor?" I ask thinking about how he looks like Thor *buzz* "you think I'm a God? ;)" I blush "no you just look like one!" I say and he replies "I'll take that as a compliment" I sigh "I'll keep thinking" I say and he responds "what do you call Ryder?" I debate whether or not to tell him "promise not to tell?" I say and he sends back "I promise" I smile "cheesesteak" and laugh when my phone immediately rings "what the fuck why is it cheesesteak?" He says "hello to you too" I say and he laughs "hello fireball now answer the question" I sigh "okay so when we were in London he made me stop calling him Boss and the same day we pay a visit to Adrian and on the buzzer thing he said cheesesteak and they let him in and I busted out laughing at him because he has the whole mean tough guy attitude and has to use the name cheesesteak to get inside a building not very tough ya know?" I say and Victor is just laughing "please let me call him that?" He says and I laugh "NO! You promised you wouldn't say anything!" I say and he settles down and says "fine but he loses manhood points for that" I laugh "agreed" I say then realize something "I totally forgot about the time change I hope I'm not interrupting anything" and Victor responds "I wouldn't have called you if you were and you can always text me any time of day or night" I grab my backpack getting ready to head inside "thank you that means a lot to me" I say "if you don't mind my asking why are you at school? You should be resting." I look around "how do you know I'm at school?" I say and he laughs "A I know you're back home and on leave B I can tell it's not in your nature to stay home and rest" he says and I smile "you really do know me quite well for what little time we've spent together" I say and he pauses then says "I would like to get to know you more if you'll allow me" he says "I'd like that Thor" I spot Becca "I gotta go but feel free to text me anytime" I say and he says "study hard fireball" and hangs up. I get out of my car and catch up with Becca.
"Hey Becca" I shout and she turns around and smiles when she sees me. "Hey girlie how was your spring break?" She says and I grin "pretty good I studied and caught up on some sleep, how was yours?" I ask and she proceeds to tell me all about her beach vacation and the fun she had all week as we walk into the school and find the rest of our friends. After first period I catch up with Becca and we head to Mr. Jennings class and I say "did you study for the exam?" Becca rolls her eyes "there isn't an exam he was just messing with us" she says and I sigh "better hope you're right cause here we are" I say as we walk into class. As I thought we had an exam worth 30% of our grade and if you ask me it was quite easy but from the looks of my peers they didn't think the same. When we leave the class and head to lunch Becca groans "who gives an exam the first day back from break?" I laugh at that "to be fair he did tell us before break multiple times" I say and she smacks my arm. By the end of the day I'm exhausted and sore and all I want is pain meds and sleep so I head home. When I get home I make myself some ramen noodles and check my phone. As soon as I unlock my phone I receive a phone call "hello?" I say and can hear Victor laughing "you know fireball you shouldn't answer unknown numbers?" He says and I laugh "but then I wouldn't get to talk to you" I say and he chuckles "fair enough how was school?" He asks and I groan "that good? Let me guess you're in a lot of pain?" He says and I groan again "how did you know?" I say sarcastically. "You should have stayed home and rested" he says and before I can respond he continues "but then you wouldn't be you" I sigh "I don't understand how you can get me so well after such a short time." I say and sit on my bed "can I ask you something?" I say "of course ask me anything" he says "if you could do anything in the world and have anything you wanted what would it be?" I say and he pauses for a minute "I'll tell you if you tell me" he says and I roll my eyes "fine if I could do anything i would protect others less fortunate than myself if I could have anything in the world it would be a family that loves and cares about me no matter what" I say and lay back on my bed "it seems we both want the same things I want a wife and kids as well as the mafia family I already have and I want to use my power and influence for good" he says and I smile "I like you Victor" I say and he chuckles "I like you to Rae" he says and then adds "would you permanently change your name after graduation?" I sigh "if that's what my boss wants that is what I shall do" I say. After a few moments I ask "have you heard from Adrian? Is he okay?" and Victor laughs "I'd say he's better than okay Chelsea went into labor after the gala and had a baby girl" I smile "I'm so happy for them" I say and make a note to call Chelsea. "Rae?" Victor says "yeah?" I respond "would you spend a week with me before making a decision at graduation?" I think about it "if my boss allows me the time off I will" I say without hesitation. "I hope he will" Victor says and I take my pain medicine "Goodnight Thor" I say and he replies "goodnight Fireball get some rest" and I end the call. I get under the covers and go to sleep.
After a few hours I wake up screaming from a nightmare I check the time to see that it is 2am and I call Ryder. "Hello?" He says half asleep "did you take care of him?" I say and Ryder says "yes I did" I sigh "will you show me the footage when I get back?" I ask and Ryder sighs "I will but you should get some rest now" he says and I can tell he wants to go back to sleep so I hang up the phone. I toss and turn and when I realize I can't sleep I send a text to Victor "you up?" and a second later he FaceTimes me "are you okay? You should be asleep" he says clearly worried "I had a nightmare and I can't fall back asleep" I say and I can see the concern on his face "would you tell me about it? Please" he says and I proceed to tell him why I have nightmares and that Ryder had his men capture him while we were in London and that he said I could take care of him myself but he killed him for me. I watched as he intently listened the entire time I spoke and how he got angry when I told him Ryder killed him. "He went back on his word?" He says furiously "that bastard" he says and slams his fist into a wall "it's okay as long as the guy is dead" I say and he looks at me "you deserved to take care of him yourself you deserved that closure and he took that from you" he says and I look down and say "it's okay" Victor's voice gets soft "I will help you get through this I promise any time you have a nightmare call me" I smile "thank you" I say and Victor looks at me seriously "promise me you will call me no matter the time" he says and I nod "I promise" we continue talking for awhile and I must have fallen asleep while still on FaceTime because when I woke up there was a picture message of me asleep with the caption "sweet dreams fireball" I smile and get ready for school. I decide to toss my hair up in a top knot and throw on my jeans and a purple shirt. I slip on my canvas shoes and grab my backpack and head to school.

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