Chapter 26

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We spend the rest of the night talking about anything and everything. Eventually we fall asleep in each others' arms and it was the perfect night. When I woke up in the morning I was still in his arms and he was asleep so I snuggled closer and laid my head on his chest. For that moment everything was perfect....and then my phone rang. I answered the phone "hello?" and Dean replied "morning Rae boss needs you today" I groaned and Victor said "who is it?" I quickly shushed him and Dean said "whoa Rae has a guy over?" and whistles "damn girl didn't know you were like that must've been some prom" he says in a teasing tone and laughs "ha ha very funny Dean what time do you need me?" I say rolling my eyes "12:30 and don't be late" he says and hangs up. I toss my phone and lay back down. Victor smiles at me "look on the bright side only 2 more weeks and you don't have to answer their calls anymore" I roll my eyes "nope I'll just have to answer yours instead" I say and laugh. Before I know it Victor has me on my back and is tickling me "stop stop" I say through laughter and he says "take it back" and continues tickling me "fine I take it back" I say and he stops tickling me "sheesh who knew you were so mean tickling a girl for no reason like that" i say and he rolls his eyes and pulls me into his lap "ya know Rae when you're working for me we'll be together 24/7" he says and I shrug "and? your point is?" I say and he just laughs "you won't have alone time like you do now or a cover to keep up or an alternate identity" he says and I just look at him "your point is?" I repeat and he just asks "are you sure you're ready for that?" I laugh and kiss him "more than you know" I say and get up to get ready for the day. "I'm gonna take a shower and you can get one with me or after up to you" I say and stroll into the bathroom and hop in the shower. A minute later Victor walks into the bathroom and says "I may be old fashioned but I want our first time to be special not in a shower" he says and I laugh "who said anything about sex? You can shower with someone and not have sex" I say and he shrugs and joins me "I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page" he says. I take some time to admire his body and when hectic turns around I gasp at the sight of a large scar on his back I reach up and touch it and he shivers "I learned the hard way to be careful who you trust" he says and I turn him to face me "what happened?" I ask and he takes a deep breath I had a friend when I was younger he was like a brother to me I told him about my family's mafia and that I was part of it, one day he quite literally stabbed me in the back and tried to kill me" he takes a deep breath and continues "he was working for Alejandro and I never knew it he was trying to prove his loyalty by killing me so I killed him instead" I wrap my arms around him and hug him "I'm so sorry Thor I can't imagine betraying someone like that" he hugs me back "that's why I very rarely trust anyone anymore" I look up at him "I would never betray your trust I promise" I say and he nods "I know Rae"
Once we're done showering we get dressed and I put on my new wig and apply my signature Rae makeup. I throw on my combat boots and hide my knives. I decide to pull out my phone and take a picture of me and Victor "cheese" I say and take the picture. "What was that for?" he asks and I smile "I wanted a picture of you" I say and shrug. We head to my civic and I drive him to the airport and to the private plane entrance. When we get there I look over at him and see that he's already staring at me. "I'll see you next week?" I ask and he nods "I'll try to find a way for us to get some alone time but I make no promises" he says. I shrug "I'll try to get a separate room from them at the hotel besides the less I have to see him the better" I say and Victor grabs my hand "we only have to put up with him for 2 more weeks" he says and adds "then it's you and me forever" he says and I grin and lean over and kiss him. He pulls me onto his lap and deepens the kiss. My phone goes off with a text from Dean telling me to hurry up. I groan and get off of Victor's lap. He gets out of my car and says "goodbye my love I'll see you next week" and I reply "have a safe flight Thor." I wait for him to board the plane then haul ass to Ryders.
When I get there I walk inside and towards the kitchen to find Reese. He sees me and gives me a bear hug. "It's good to see you Rae" he says and I hug him back "it's good to see you too Reese cup" I say and Dean walks up behind me "glad to see you Rae so tell me who was the guy you were with?" He teases and I roll my eyes "none of your business" I say and Reese's jaw drops "you were with a guy??" he exclaims in shock and Dean grins "oh yeah I called her early this morning and she was in bed with a guy" I roll my eyes "that must've been some prom" he adds and I smack him upside the head "can we just get to work now?" I say and Ryder growls "we're late let's go" from the doorway. I'm guessing he heard all of the teasing oh well not my problem. I stroll to ghost and Dean and Ryder sit in the backseat I put in my earpiece and Reese says "it's just you and me on this line Rae" I nod knowing he can see us through the car cameras. "So do I know this guy?" Reese asks and I purse my lips. "I do! Who is it?" Reese says and I shake my head "where to boss?" I say and he gives me the address. We pull up to a restaurant and I recognize it as the same one Stavros men chased us from. "We're here to negotiate terms with Stavros so when this thing goes south we need you to get us out of here" Dean says and I nod "will do" I say and Dean gets out of the car and Ryder shuts the door leaving the two of us alone in ghost. "Cameras" I say to remind him we're being watched and he says "I don't care who were you with this morning?" he demands and I calmly say "what I do in my personal time on leave is my choice and besides you have no right to question who I'm with remember?" Ryder growls "so that's how it's going to be?" he says and I turn to face him "you lied to me, you were the one who pretended to love me and then screwed other women behind my back, you were the one who ruined anything that could have ever been between us so yes that's how it's going to be you have no right to question anything I do when I'm not on the job" I say and for a split second he looks saddened "I'm sorry" he says and I roll my eyes "if you were sorry you wouldn't have done it" I say and he gets out of the car. They head inside the restaurant and I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding "well that was tense" Reese says and I laugh "for him maybe it was more annoying for me" Reese laughs "speaking off the record he really doesn't have a right to know about your personal life Rae I'm sorry he is acting this way" I shrug "it's fine honestly only 2 more weeks and I'm done" I say and Reese sighs "will you visit?" he asks and I look up at the rear view mirror "only if you do too" I say and smile. "You're my bestie of course I'll visit" he says and I grin "likewise" I say. I get a bad feeling and reach for a knife just as someone rips my door open and pulls me from my car. I am slammed into a wall and I immediately attack my attacker. Knife in hand I stab the arm that is holding me against the wall and kick the guy as hard as I can in the groin, he lands a punch to my eye and I punch him with all my strength and luckily knock him out. I look up and see Ryder run out of the restaurant and I hop back in the car and he jumps in the backseat and Dean follows 3 seconds later. I floor it and get us as far away from there as possible. It takes me 23 minutes to get us back to the house and when I park I look at Dean and say "I need your help" I take off my wig and touch the back of my head to find that it's bleeding. Ryder goes inside and Dean leads me to the kitchen and the first aid kit. He cleans up the cut and applies skin glue instead of stitches. "There good as new" he says and I roll my eyes "sure it is" I say and he hands me an ice pack for my eye "you're gonna want to use concealer for that" he says pointing to my shiner "that bad?" I ask and he hands me a mirror "damn" I say and apply the ice pack. Ryder comes into the kitchen "you're good for the night we will call you if we need you other than that Friday night we fly out to London" I nod and look at Dean "can you book separate rooms please?" I ask him and he looks at Ryder who nods and the he says "will do". I grab my wig and head to my civic. When I get to my car I take out my earpiece and put it in the glove compartment. Ryder knocks on my window so I roll it down "I really am sorry Rae I wish I could take it back" I look at him and say "I don't because it showed me exactly who you are and what I mean to you" I say and he frowns "your my boss I'm your employee for 2 more weeks and then we are nothing to each other" I say and he nods "will you even consider staying?" He asks and I shake my head "no I won't" I say and he steps back from my car and I drive off.
When I get home I text Victor the picture of the 2 of us and say "such a wonderful start to a shitty day hope your flight is going well" 2 seconds later he FaceTimes me and before I can say anything he says "what the bloody hell happened to you?" his tone is both angry and worried "work happened one of Stavros' men attacked me but I handled it" I say and then add "unfortunately I ended up with a shiner and a gash on the back of my head" Victor growls "I'm gonna kill that guy" I chuckle "can I help?" I ask and he laughs "absolutely." We talk for a little while and then hang up and I take some pain medicine and fall asleep.

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