Kitty Starlight

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Kitty in this book a 7 year old of how they dead and became a goddenss

1. Kitty Sapphire Starlight.

Age: 7

Height: 90cm.

Gender: non-binary.

pronouns: She/They

Sexuality: bi.

Race: minor god.

Aura color: very very very light blue

From: Spirit Realm (Star, Kingdom)

Physical Appearance:.Light Colored skin, long golden yellow hair, Small Blue and red, Slim Muscular build.

Powers: open and closing realm with galaxy.

Abilities: Air, Water, Earth and Fire bending.

position: Rightful Queen of the cat Kingdom.

personality: Kitty is a rightful queen and determined person who is a goddenss of life and never doubts theirself instinct (Never a seconds way of killing someone). however, she is kind and searches for teachers. asking enough questions to bores a sloth, losing their temper if she isn't explained to, she likes to be in control. she likes to know what is going on. but she can't help being soft hearted person she loves their friends, and without a seconds thought would surrender theirself for their safety.

Strengths: finding logical answers through picking up details, merciful, mother.

Weaknesses: being a mother.

Fears: Their own passionate emotions, anger, loosing someone she loves.

Phobias: spiders, Shadows, falling, failing, lighting.



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