Ch 5: Panties and Cabbages

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[Y/N]: "Yesterday was weird."

Kazuma: "Don't get me started..."

After the whole "Crusader Incident", our group is currently chatting in their lunch time.

Kazuma: "Hey, there’s something I want to ask the both of you. How do you learn skills?"

Megumin: "Learning skills? That’s easy, look at your card and choose one from the 'Learnable skills' column... Oh right, Kazuma’s and [Y/N]'s job is Adventurer. In that case, you need someone to teach you a skill. You need to see the skill in action and ask the user to teach you how to use it. It’ll then show up in the learnable column, then you can spend skill points to learn the skill."

[Y/N]: "I see... So, if Megumin teaches me Explosion magic, I would be able to learn it-"

Megumin: "Yes, exactly!"

Megumin then got right up in his face.

Megumin: "That’s right, [Y/N]! The skill points needed would be absurdly high, but Adventurer is the only job other than Archwizard that can use Explosion. I can teach you if you want to learn. Or rather, there are no other skills that are worth learning except Explosion, right? Of course not! Come, let’s walk the path of Explosion together!"

[Y/N]: "Woah, woah, slow down, kiddo. It was a hypothetical question. Besides, i dont have enough skill points to use it."

Megumin: "K-Kiddo?! I'll have you know I'm legally an adult!"

[Y/N]: "With that chest?"

Low blow, [Y/N]. Low blow.

Megumin: "....Darkness blacker than black, and darker than black-"


After the crazy archwizard had calmed down, refusing to talk, Aqua explained,

"If an adventurer wants to learn the explosion spell, 20 or so skill points won’t be enough. You’ll probably need to train for a decade or two and invest all your points to learn it."

[Y/N]: 'Now that i think about it, do have Six Eyes, and since it's ability to reduce my Cursed Energy input can also apply to my mana, i can shoot an Explosion or two and still have enough mana to stand up. Ah, but the skill point threshold is too much. I'll keep it in mind, i guess.'

Anyways, Kazuma then asked the self-proclaimed goddess something.

Kazuma: "Hey Aqua, you should have many convenient skills, right? Do you have any easy-to-learn skills to teach me? I prefer those that don’t need a lot of points and are very useful."

Aqua thought for a moment while holding her cup of water.

"... It can’t be helped, i guess. but I have to warn you, my skills are amazing! They’re not meant to be passed on lightly! Well, look at this cup. Put this cupful of water on top of your head and don’t let it fall off. Here, try it."

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