Ch 14: Dungeons and Curses

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Kazuma: "Let's go to a dungeon tomorrow."

Megumin: "Don't wanna."

Kazuma: "You have to."

Because Megumin tried to run, Kazuma grabbed her as he dismissed her protest.

It has been a week since he was decapitated.

Kazuma's body has recovered to combat condition, so he raised this suggestion to his companions who were gathered in the guild. Unfortunately, Megumin seemed to hate dungeons.

Megumin: "Don't wanna, don't wanna! I'll lose my reason for existence if I go to a dungeon! If Explosion magic that might cause the dungeon to collapse can't be used, I'll become a normal person!"

[Y/N]: "Didn't you say something in the lines of 'I'm willing to carry the luggage or anything when exploring dungeons! Please, don't throw me away!' back then?"

When she heard that, Megumin whose sleeve Kazuma was grabbing lowered her head in resignation.

Megumin: "Sigh... I understand, but I'll really be useless, all right? I can only do things like carrying the bags..."

Megumin's resigned expression had a hint of unease.

To soothe her, Kazuma said:

Kazuma: "Don't worry, you just need to follow us until the entrance of the dungeon. If we meet any dangerous monsters on the way to the dungeon, I'll be relying on you to repel them with magic, all right?"

Megumin: "Hmm? Just the entrance? Will that really be fine?" Megumin questioned with a baffled expression.

Aqua: "By the way, why did you suddenly want to go to a dungeon? If you want to explore dungeons, the party needs a thief, all right? How about Chris? I haven't seen her around the guild lately."

Aqua, who was resting her head on the table, lazily said.

In the week before he recovered to combat readiness, this girl had been hogging the warmest spot in front of the fireplace in the guild every day. She was either drinking or lazing around.

When Kazuma asked her 'Are you of legal age to drink', she replied 'Don't use Japanese laws in this fantasy world.'

It seemed that in this world, you could drink no matter what your age was. You were responsible for any consequences that occurred when you drank.

[Y/N]: "Chris said she was really busy. She said the senpai who took care of her in the past was pushing all sorts of troublesome matters to her. Seems like it'll be some time before she comes back. But she taught us Detect Traps and Disarm Traps which are necessary for dungeon exploration. Thank goodness these skills only cost like 1 point. Anyway, Chris said the type of monsters in dungeons won't change because of the seasons. That's why he thought of going into one and giving it a try."

After finishing the quest with Taylor, Kazuma didn't do anything for the whole week.

Hunting Snow Sprites and goblins raised Kazuma's level by three. [Y/N], having killed the majority of the Snow Sprites and goblins, along with two Rookie Killers, allowed him to sit at Level 21, making him the second highest level in the group behind Megumin.

Moving on, aside from Detect Traps and Disarm Traps, Kazuma also learned another skill. What that skill is will have to wait.

Trap detection and disarmament seemed to be dependent on agility and luck.

Kazuma's agility might've been average, but he has incredible luck, whilst [Y/N] is the opposite, high agility, average luck.

Considering how Kazuma kept getting associated with weird people and getting into debt, calling his so-called high luck as the joke of the year is 100% accurate.

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