Ch 17: Destroying the Destroyer (1/2)

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By the time they returned to the mansion, it was full of screams and chaos.

Aqua: "We need to run! As far away as possible!"

The panicking Aqua said as she ran in circles, knocking over a lot of things.

Megumin, who had already packed her bag, placed it to the side as she sipped some tea with a resigned look.

Megumin: "There's no point in panicking now. Since everything including our home will be lost, we might as well challenge the Demon King's castle directly."

[Y/N] and Kazuma were planning to gear up and head to the guild, but were lost for words as they looked at the two of them.

Kazuma; "Hey... What's with the two of you? The guild issued an emergency broadcast, so let's put on our equipment and head over."

After hearing what he said, the two of them finally noticed their presence.

Aqua: "Kazuma, what nonsense are you saying? Don't tell me you want to fight the Mobile Fortress Destroyer?"

[Y/N]: "Yes. Yes we are."

Aqua was shocked.

She was cradling a pillow with one hand.

Or rather, they just heard the emergency broadcast and had no idea what was going on.

From how tense the broadcasting voice was, he could tell that the thing that was approaching was bad news.

Megumin: "Kazuma, the thing that's approaching the town is renowned for destroying everything except devotees of the Axis Cult. The ultimate bounty target, the Mobile Fortress Destroyer. Taking that thing on would be reckless."

Aqua: "Hey, why are you speaking about my believers in such a way? Wiz said something like that too, why are you so afraid of my children? They're all good and normal people!"

Leaving Aqua's shrieks aside, Kazuma still didn't understand.

Kazuma: 'I heard this name not too long ago, but what was this mobile fortress thing? From the sound of it, it was probably huge.'

[Y/N]: "Can't Megumin's Explosion take care of that thing? Its name seems to imply that it's large, so it should be visible from afar. Just blow it away with magic."

Megumin said in response:

Megumin: "It won't work, the Destroyer has a powerful magic barrier. It works the same way Ignorant Blade does, breaking up the mana particles inside of a spell, thus nullifying it. It'd have no problems blocking a couple of explosion spells."

[Y/N]: "We're screwed, aren't we?"

Kazuma: "Just what the hell was this Destroyer?!"

Aqua: "Hey, my believers are really good kids! Listen to me, Megumin! The disparaging rumors you hear on the streets are spread by those black-hearted Eris devotees! Everyone beautifies Eris too much, but don't be fooled, there are times when she behaves unruly! She's even more unreasonable than me when facing devils, and her personality is rather free spirited! She might even go to the mortal realm to play in her free time! Axis Cult! Please support the Axis Cult!"

Megumin: "Aqua, you're not just satisfied with proclaiming yourself to be a goddess, now you're even bad-mouthing Goddess Eris now. Beware of divine retribution."

Aqua: "It's not self-proclaimed! Can you just believe me–!"

Kazuma looked around me and didn't see Darkness.

Kazuma: "Weird, where did Darkness run off to? She should've come back before me."

He asked Aqua who was shaking Megumin violently with a tearful face.

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