Chapter Five

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Oakley Carson

I can't believe I let that asshole touch me. And say that shit to me. Who does he think he is? Fucking dickhead.

Ford is pathetic, and I can't believe I agreed to meet with him in the first place. I'm fucking pathetic too. But not anymore. I'm done. I'm not going to get involved with Axton, and I'm done being involved with Ford.

Men suck. The fucking end.

I switch into my gym shorts and a loose t-shirt. I hate fucking training's on the weekend. It's long, and tiring. I drove over to the pack house, because it's not that close to me, and I'm not going to do extra exercising when today's gonna suck ass.

I pull into my spot next to Giana and she looks up from her phone once i do. She gives me that bright smile that warms my heart. Giana is a very beautiful girl. She has short black hair, and golden skin. She has an amazing personality too.

Too bad I'm into men, because she's the full package. I climb out of my car, as she does.

"Hey Oaks" she beams, making her way to me. We greet each other with a hug, then we start the short walk to the field.

"How are you?"

"Tired, I was up late helping my mom plan mating ceremonies. Yours is soon, are you excited?" she nudges my shoulders, but I shake my head.

"Not really. I share it with dickhead" i was born the same day as fucking Axton, so my mating ceremony is his, too.

"Yeah but you'll find your mate, and it'll be soooo exciting. I bet he'll be hot" she wiggles her eyebrows at me.

"Well shortly after mine, yours is coming up. What about you? I bet they'll be perfect "I give her a little smile. Giana is into girls, and guys. She's not out to anyone besides me, and her family. But she has a 50/50 chance her mate will be a girl, so she doesn't need to come out until then.

"Yeah, I'm excited" she smiles small, "Don't change the subject though. Are you ready to meet your mate?"

"I mean I guess. I'm a little nervous. But it'll all be worth it in the end "I nod, and she seems to agree. Shortly after, we're at the clearing in the field, where all the wolves are waiting.

Here goes nothing.

After two hours of intense training, a shower, and forcing something into my stomach, I'm getting ready to meet dickhead to work on our project. We're meeting at the local library, if he even knows where that is.

I stick to jeans and a loose hoodie, because that's what's comfortable. I drive to the library, cracking open one of my energy drinks. I sip the liquid on the way.

Once I pull in, I see Axton's sedan. He sees me pretty quickly, and we both get out. He gives his usual stupid smirk, but this one warms my belly. Those fucking dirty words he said to me play through my head, and he knows it because his eyes darken.

So much for telling him off. Instead, I ignored him and made my way inside. I find a table in the back, away from people but close enough he can't corner me again.

We both sit down, but he sits beside me. I try not to roll my eyes, as I unload our worksheets we have to fill out for the project.

After we get everything settled, Axton scoots closer. My spine stiffens, and my eyes cut over to him. "Don't touch me" my voice snaps, a quiet whisper.

"Why?" he tilts his head.

"Are you serious right now?" i lean closer, "I don't fucking like you. You don't get to say those things to me after years of abuse. So do the fucking project, and leave me alone. Unless it's school related"

"What I said to you was school related. It was at school" he raises his dark brows. His eyes drop down to my lips, and I scoff.

"Whatever Axton. Fuck off" i move away, and start on the worksheet. He does, actually fuck off. He starts on the back page, so I'm assuming we can meet in the middle and copy each other's work. That's a lot of what we do anyways.

We do work pretty well together, because within a half hour we have our portions done, and copied. Then we start talking about some of the criteria of the project that we have to meet.

It seems stupid, and excessive, but it's our senior year, so we better get it done well. Especially because it's a big part of our grade.

By the time we're done for the day, I'm exhausted and I want to go home. Axton was actually pretty okay. He's smart, and helpful. When he's not a dick, he's pretty bearable. But that doesn't change the years of abuse, and it never will.

"We can meet up next week to work on the main portion" I mumble, as I pack up my stuff.

"Do you want to get food?" he asks casually, packing up his own stuff.

A bitter laugh escapes me, and I shake my head. "Uh no."

"Why not?"

"Why are you even asking? You know why"

"Dunno. Guess you're just not as bad as I thought" he shrugs, his blue eyes flickering between mine.

"Baby!" Cassidy says, way too loud for a library. Axton stiffens slightly, and then he pushes his usual smirk back in place.

"Hey sweets" he says, wrapping her up in his arms. I don't want to stick around for this, so I don't.

I make my way out of the library, and to my car.

"We're having chinese tonight" Mama says, as i sit on the couch beside her, "Mom will be home soon. Movies and dinner?" she asks, flipping through her magazine.

"Sounds good" I hum, putting my feet up on the coffee table.

"How was training?" Mama asks. Her red hair is pulled in a messy bun on her head, and she's in sweats. She must've enjoyed a relaxing day today. Mama doesn't do that a lot, at all.

"Long, I hate it" I huff, crossing my arms over my chest.

"It does suck. You'll be bumped to adult training soon. It's even worse" she gives me a cringy smile, and i nod.

"I know, two more weeks" I murmured.

"There's a few of you turning 18. The Walker boy does too. A couple of girls, but I think guy wise it's just you two. Then of course the few that are over 18 who haven't found they're mates. There's some hot guys too. Not just oldies" Mama says, closing her magazine and turning toward me.

"Maybe I'll have some older hottie," I murmured.

"Wouldn't that be something? Maybe it's the Walker boy. He's cute too" my whole body stiffens, and my belly warms. Oh no. No no no no.


"You don't like him?"

"We fight way too much. I hate him, actually"

"You're blushing" I feel the heat on my face, which only makes it worse.

"I'm flustered. If he's my mate, I might as well not have one" i huff, crossing my arms.

"Don't be dramatic" she ruffles my hair, but I'm not. He's bullied me, called me names, hit me, for years. If he was my mate it'd be hopeless. We can never be anything.

Even if his dirty words excited me, a little bit. 


Oakley lowkey has the hots for Axton lol.

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