Dazed and Confused

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Luke's pov

I always loved waking up before she did. I loved watching the sun slowly spread across the sheets and onto her, they way she seemed to glow. She looked so peaceful and vulnerable. Every time I looked at her I felt at home.

I started to run my fingers through her soft brown hair, holding her gently closer to my chest. She stirred in my arms and I saw a small smile appear on her mouth. I smiled and leaned down and kissed her on her forehead since I knew how much she loved that. "Do you ever get any sleep, Hemmings?" she whispered out to me in her drowsy voice.I rubbed my fingers across her arms where I held her and squeezed her tighter. She laughed and I felt her warm breath on my bare chest and felt her eyelashes tickle my shoulder as they fluttered open. These were the moments I knew I would always remember. The quiet moments where it was just us.

"Pancakes?" I asked her. She woke up then. Her and food, it was hilarious. I laughed and slowly got up from the warm sheets. Before I knew it her small arms were around my waist pulling me back onto the bed. Before I could ask what she was doing she whispered out, "No, five more minutes! I want to stay here with you." I didn't resist and settled next to her again. The sun's warm rays filling the bedroom, I could hear the birds outside the windows signaling morning and I smiled.I knew this was how things were supposed to be.

After breakfast was finished and we clanked the plates and forks into the sink we proceeded to get ready to start the day again. I watched her dance around while finding the clothes she wanted to wear that day and I don't think I could be more in love. The way she swayed and jumped around to the beat, singing at the top of her lungs. Everything was just perfect.

"Babe, are you sure you're feeling better?" I asked her. She hadn't been feeling well for quite a while and I didn't really believe her when she said the doctor said it was just allergies. I watched her turn to me, a flicker of panic in her eyes before she collected herself and said, "I've already told you, I'm fine. It was just really bad allergies." She smiled and came over and kissed me from behind the couch. Why did she look so panicked when I brought it up? I knew she wouldn't lie to me so I didn't worry about it for long.

We spent the majority of the day just lounging on the couch, flipping through channels and just enjoying each others company. There were occasional dance sessions with music blaring through the home speakers because she insisted on it. I don't dance, but I would dance forever if it made her happy.

Before I knew it, it was 6:30 in the afternoon and I had to get ready for a party the boys and I were going to. "Don't party too hard you dork," she said, "Try not to stun all of those people with those sick dance moves you have." She winked at me and poked my sides. I laughed because I seriously was the worst dance in the history of dancers. "I'll try not to." I replied back, lifting her up and spinning her around the room. By the time I set her down, I heard Michael and Ashton at the door. I kissed her on the cheek and said one last goodbye before heading out the door.

"You guys be careful tonight." Mary-Catherine called out from the front door. "Of course we will." Ashton called back while Michael slapped him in the back. I smiled and waved back before I ducked into the car.


There were sweaty bodies everywhere. Swaying to the intense beat of the music. Calum sat at the bar trying to get a girls number. I kind of laughed to myself and continued walking, or at least trying to walk, through the club with Michael and Ashton. We finally found a dirty green couch to sit and have a few drinks. I stuck to water at the beginning, but Michael and Ashton told me to loosen up and have a couple beers. "C'mon Luke, you can have a few drinks. It's not going to kill you." Michael said as Ashton poured me a glass. I reluctantly took it, but I drank it happily. I started to relax with each swallow of the alcoholic drink. The burn down my throat making me feel more alive.

Calum brought the girl he was talking to at the bar to where we sat and she brought her group of friends. We laughed and were having such a great time. I hadn't had this kind of fun in such a long time. A tall red head came and sat next to me and we talked about how this club was so filthy. We laughed and drank some more. Everything seemed to be buzzing with life. Everyone was laughing and having such a great time. After a couple more drinks we decided to all head out onto the dance floor.

They were playing Evil in the Night by Adam Lambert and we jumped to the beat. All of our bodies crashing into one another. The red-head that had sat next to me on the couch found me again and grabbed my hand on the dance floor. I didn't resist her pulls and danced along with her. Her eyes were a piercing green and I couldn't stay away. Everything was such a blur now. I had lost count of how many drinks we had, but I honestly didn't care anymore. She pulled me close to her, kissing me. I could taste the alcohol on her lips.

"Why don't we get out of here?" she yelled to me over the music. Not knowing anything else I followed her lead. Before we left we had two more beers at the dingy bar as people crowded around us. She kissed me again and I kissed her back. She started biting my lip ring and I couldn't resist her temptations.

The last thing I remembered was that she had really deep blue sheets in her room. I could still feel the beat of the music in the club in my bones. Was this my home?

In the arms of a stranger, wrapped in the sheets of her bed. She kissed me hard and I kissed her back harder, making a trail of kisses from her arm to her neck.

Was she my home?

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