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Michael's pov

I had never seen Luke so disconnected from everything and everyone. I never understood how much he actually loved her until he told me what had happened after the club a couple of nights ago. I remembered he came to my door with his clothes all tattered and messy, his eyes were bright red from crying and he just seemed to break down right there in the doorway. It got to the point where I had to actually drag him inside the house because he just couldn't walk anymore from exhaustion.

He sat in the guest room, usually on the floor by his phone, looking out the window as if he were waiting for something. I tried to talk to him, but I knew it was pointless. His mind was in the clouds. His heart was still on the ground of his and Mary-Cat's home.

I left plates of food next to where he sat only to pick it up later fully intact. His face was starting to get so gaunt and his color was almost completely gone from his face. I didn't know what I could do for him anymore. How do you fix your best friends broken heart? Especially when he was one of the strongest guys you knew. The one who would help pick me back up, not the one I would have to drag back up. Everything was backwards now. Luke was slowly drifting away from reality. I remember his voice at night calling out for her, never getting an answer. I could hear his cries through the thin walls of the flat. My most vivid memory is the image of him sitting criss crossed in front of the giant portrait window in his room just watching the birds fly and the breeze flow through the trees. I could hear him softly sing "You're in my veins", an old favorite of all of us. But I could tell when he sang those words now they had a whole new meaning to him.

It had been two days already and I not once heard of any news with Cat or him. I was getting worried, if he kept this up he would be in the hospital.

I softly walked through the empty house to his bedroom door. It was barely cracked open and I could already see that he was sitting in front of the window again. Just watching the world go by. I called out his name and he didn't even move. I called again a little louder and he slowly turned to face me. Right when he did a tear fell from his cheek and hit the floor. My best friend was broken and I didn't know how to fix it. He cried out how much he loved her, how he couldn't live without her. The last thing he said to me still echos in my head, "Michael, I never wanted to have anything in my life that I couldn't stand losing. Now I know it's too late for that." Even now I can still hear how his voice cracked saying it. How is eyes were just empty blue circles in his head now. The way his lip quivered or his hands fidgeted with the edge of his shirt. Lifting it up to wipe his eyes. He turned back to the window and I knew I probably wouldn't hear him talk again for a while and walked away from his room. I sat on the couch and turned on the television. A couple of hours had passed and I continued to make checkups on Luke, making sure nothing drastic happened to him. I finally was broken from my trance when I heard Luke's work phone start ringing. I already knew he wouldn't make any effort to get it so I slowly walked to the kitchen where it sat on the counter where he left it the last time he ventured from his enclosure in the room. I guess he finally gave up and didn't feel the need to wait for her call.

I reached for his phone and couldn't believe who it was.


I ran to his room and yelled at Luke saying it was her. That she finally called. I don't think I had ever seen Luke run so fast over to where I stood. He hesitated only for a moment before reaching for the phone and begin speaking to his heart and soul. I started to walk away from his room when I heard Luke's panicked voice rising from his room. I turned to see a panicked Luke rushing from his room, mouthing for the car keys which I fumbled from the kitchen counter to him. The last thing I heard before I he walked out the door was of something about cancer and how she didn't need to worry because he would be right there. I didn't live too far away from their neighborhood so I knew he would be just fine. I couldn't have been prepared for the phone call I received half an hour after he left my house.

Operator: Sir, your friend Luke Hemmings has been in an accident. We need a family member or close family friend to be with him.

Me: An accident?? W-what? Is he okay, what happened. Can he talk to me?

Operator: I'm sorry sir I can't disclose any information over the phone. If you can come in to the hospital you will receive the information you need.

Me: No. No this can't happen. Where is he? Is he alive? What kind of accident was it?

Operator: I'm sorry sir I can not disclose any information over the phone. Please, If you could-

End call.

I ran out of the house to where my car would be. Luke took it. "Shit." I screamed out. I ran to the garage and looked for something, anything. My bike! I knew I would use it someday. I just didn't think it would be for this reason.


By the time I had arrived at the hospital I was drenched in sweat and could barely tell the receptionist I needed to see Luke. I finally slammed my fist onto the counter and screamed, "LUKE HEMMINGS. I NEED TO SEE LUKE HEMMINGS." She squeaked out "Room 218 sir." and I was already running down the hallway to find him.

When I found the door I hesitated before going in. A group of nurses exited the room and I grabbed the door to walk in. Right as I was about to walk in I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see a doctor with a clipboard looking sadly at me. "Are you Michael?" he asked me. I nodded and he pointed to a couple of chairs across the hallway for me to sit with him. I just wanted to see my best friend and now this doctor is taking me away from him.

"Michael, Luke had some pretty serious injuries from the impact of the truck that hit him,"

Oh god. Please no, tell me he's okay.

"He had several cracked ribs, a broken collarbone, a small concussion, and not to mention many cuts and bruises from the glass."

I just looked at him, "Is he going to be okay though?" I finally mustered out. The doctor kind of cracked a small smile and gave me a chuckle. "Yes, eventually he will be okay."

I didn't hesitate any longer and ran into Luke's room where he looked a broken mess among the sheets. He cracked a smile as I walked in. Typical Luke.

"Do you like scaring the shit out of me?" I said to him as I walked to his bedside. He smiled and laughed a little only to cough uncontrollably for a couple of seconds. When he collected himself he smiled again and said, "What are friends for?"

"Bastard, I'm glad you're okay." I sat down and we continued to talk. It was like old times, he was happy and looked at the bright side even though he was stuck broken in this hospital bed. I was just about to ask about Mary Catherine when she ran through the door. "Luke..." she breathed out. Every letter floating from her lips to the bed. I looked at Luke and watched his mouth drop and his eyes start to get glossy. He sat up straighter in his bed and she ran over to him. They embraced eachother and I heard Luke whisper "Baby, I'm so sorry. Baby I love you so much." into her hair. She cried and held him tighter making him start to whimper. She quickly pulled away from him, a scared look in her eyes. He laughed and grabbed her arm saying, "No, it's a good kind of pain. Don't let me go." They hugged again and she sat on the side of the bed and started talking to him. I quietly snuck to the door and when I turned to close it I saw Luke look at me and mouth "thank you" to me. I smiled and slipped out of the door.

I walked to the chairs across the hallway and sat down. With everything that had happened I felt exhausted. I didn't want to go home and I didn't want to leave Luke. I decided to sit where I was incase Luke needed me, or Cat did for that matter. All I knew is that I needed sleep, maybe then I could escape the terrible what-ifs that continued to float around in my head.

I thought of the way Luke reacted when he saw Mary-Catherine, how happy he was. It looked as if he found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I finally understood the love he had for her, she was his heart. She held his life in her hands and that's what terrified me the most.

How are you supposed to protect your friend from the one he loves?

How do you save someone who doesn't want to be saved?

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