Meet the Characters

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If you were interested in knowing the aesthetics/my ideal pictures for the main characters/some more facts, here they are! I also thought this may help for people who are new to the Slytherin boys.

Please note: IF YOU DO NOT LIKE WHO I ENVISION AS EACH CHARACTER, THAT'S OKAY!!! You are free to picture whoever you want (I know I do) but I also know that some people like to see castings.

Annalise "Annie" Riddle

Age 21

Nationality: British

Family: dad Tom Riddle, mother Evelyn Riddle (formerly Evelyn Black), brother James. Note: if you want to read about Tom and Evelyn's story, read Darkness and Devotion!

About her: Annie is very much a sweet and shy girl. She doesn't converse well with others and doesn't like getting out of her shell. When at parties, Annie is always on the wall, wishing she could be home. She doesn't trust easily because her father and brother are so overprotective, making her skeptical of the world. She's quite kind and rather naive but she is NOT childish. AND don't let it be mistaken. Our girl Annie is a lady in the streets and a freak in the sheets. Annie is gifted at playing piano. Annie's ideal day is at home with her family and her cat.

Background: Annie is the baby of her family, protected by all. Everyone is always making decisions for her, telling her what is best. For the most part, she lets them, though it does bother her sometimes. She comes from a very loving home and wants a loving home too, though she is convinced she won't get one because she doesn't think anyone will look past her shyness.

Looks: Very soft looks. Long, brown hair that's slightly curled. Dark brown eyes like her father. Petite. Very feminine looks. Essentially, the middle picture is perfect.



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Elio Nott

Age 23

Nationality: British

Family: dad Theo Nott, mother Ariana Nott (formerly Ariana Berkshire). Note: if you want to read about Theo and Aria's story, read Smoke and Stars!

About him: Elio is a playboy. He's a bachelor and he uses it to his advantage, always drinking, fucking, and just having a good time. He's extremely charming and he knows it, using his good looks and charismatic personality to get whatever he wants. Elio is also very intelligent, though he hardly uses it. He's very against love and romance because he believes it's unnecessary and ties him down when he only wants fun. Elio could be very loving if he chose to. He doesn't have many hobbies or interests beyond just a good time.

Background: Honestly, there's not much to say. Elio is the only child of Theo & Aria, who love him and generally spoil him a little too much. He has a great home life, lots of friends, everything.

Looks: Picture just a drop-dead gorgeous man. That's Elio. He's very much a pretty boy. Perfect body (the whole body iykwim), gorgeous smile, tall, toned, deep blue eyes, long lashes, like the whole package.


Them together aesthetic:

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Them together aesthetic:

Them together aesthetic:

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