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A knock sounded on the door. "You ready to go, kiddo?"

Annie frowned and opened the door to find James standing in the doorway. "I'm not a kid. I'm only four years younger than you."

Her older brother's dark eyebrows knit together with confusion. "Who are you and what have you done with my sweet little Annie?"

Her cheeks turned a faint shade of pink. He was right. Despite the fact that most siblings bickered, Annie never talked back or gave attitude to really anyone. Her parents were thrilled when she went through her moody teenage years never really changing, still being their sweet little darling. But now she was starting to wonder if all this time, she'd been sweet or if she had just let them walk all over her, always trying to keep the peace and keep everyone happy. 

The Riddles were the best family she could have asked for. Her parents were supportive of her always, finding the best piano teacher in London once she started to show an interest even though the best teacher was a muggle. Her father always made her feel cherished, her mother always made her feel loved, and her brother always made her feel at home. Annie loved nothing more than her family, not even her music. But just because they had a loving, healthy relationship didn't mean that there wasn't a part of her that felt empty. 

In her family, there was always darkness and violence. Death constantly surrounded them, whether it was the blood on her father's hands at the end of a long day or the haunted look in her mother's eyes every fall. Even James—now that he was starting to be more involved in their father's legacy—came home reeking of death at times. Annie wanted more than anything to be their bright spot, the quiet, soothing presence at the edge of the room when they got home. The one who filled their lives with music rather than darkness. But was that really who she wanted to be or was she just trying to fit into a mold?

Ever since she'd met Elio, Annie wondered if she was always holding a part of herself back to keep everyone around her content. Saying nothing even when part of her wanted to say something, playing the piano when all she wanted to do was scream. Sometimes she felt like she truly was their sweet little Annie. Other times, she couldn't help but wonder if there was more to her than just being "nice".

Elio didn't make her feel nice. He didn't make her feel cute or sweet or small. He made her feel sexy. Desired. Adored. Cherished. He made her feel like she could be a powerful woman even though her voice was quieter. He made her feel like she could be a goddess when all she had ever felt like was a plainer version of her mother. He made her feel like she could be the shining light, not the shadow.

Don't fucking belittle her, he had said. She's a grown woman and deserves to be treated like one. No one had ever spoken to her like that, like she was worthy of defending. Even now thinking back on it, Annie's heart grew. 

But she didn't feel like making a fuss this morning so Annie just mumbled, "Sorry. I must not have slept well."

James cocked another eyebrow at her as he stepped into the room. "Clearly. Your bed is a mess. Did you have a fight in your sleep?"

"S-something like that." Her mind instantly flashed back to Elio making her scream out his name. He must have cast some silencing charm to keep their activities hidden from the other members of the house. Thank Merlin because her mind was too numb to think of things like that at the time. 

"It must be that little illness lingering. I tried to find you last night after the ball but Scorpius said he walked you to your room already." Thank the heavens for Scorpius. She wasn't sure what she'd do if her brother was the one who walked in on her and Elio rather than Scorpius. She reminded herself to send him a box of chocolate frogs or something to thank him for the immense embarrassment she was saved from.

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