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"Yes. I'm sure," Annie moaned against his lips. Her voice was steady and calm, no doubts or hesitations hidden within. As if to punctuate her words, she rolled her hips against Elio's.

"Fuck, topolina," he murmured against her lips, his erection already fucking killing him from how hard it was. "We don't have to go any further. We can just do this and I'll still have a damn good time."

To be honest, he didn't want to do "just this"—what he wanted was to ride her like a fucking broom—but he also didn't want to lose her. In Elio's mind, he was afraid to push her too far and lose her in the process. He was more than willing to wait for her. Annie had already done so many new things in just one week. Was she really ready for this?

But her answer was immediate. Annie pulled back "Elio. I want you and I want this. I'm telling you that I'm ready but you're the only one who's holding back. So if you don't want this, that's okay."

Oh, he wasn't about to have her thinking he didn't want her with every fiber of his very being. Instead of answering her, Elio pushed her back against the wall as Annie let out a sharp gasp. His mouth ravished hers while his hands roamed up and down her small, sexy body. Elio's hips pushed into hers so she could feel just how badly he did want her.

"Little mouse, I want you more than anything on the fucking planet," he murmured as one hand squeezed her petite, perky breasts. "I was just giving you a chance to change your mind before I lose control. Because once I get inside you, it'll take an army to drag me away."

Annie moaned and arched her back just as Elio's head dipped down and kissed her breasts through her thin, soft sweater. Merlin, he could feel the lace of her bra against his lips and it tortured him. She tortured him.

"Elio, please," Annie whimpered. The sound of it almost made his knees buckle. He dragged his lips up her neck and pulled her into another searing kiss.

"Not here, baby. You deserve a bed." He chuckled. "Actually, you deserve a bloody mansion filled with roses and diamonds but the best I can do right now is take you to a bed."

He placed his arms on her ass, thankful he could finally squeeze it in his palms after a torturous evening looking at it in those tight leggings she wore. Elio's lips never left hers, which meant that he stubbed his toes on many of the stairs on the way up. He didn't care. She was worth a little pain and an ingrown toenail.

"Do you have a room here?" he asked against her lips. 

Annie nodded and pulled on the strands of his hair. He groaned. He fucking loved it when she did that. "Third door on the right." 

Elio quickly strode over to it and opened the door with one hand. He tossed her onto the soft bed. Annie giggled and sat up to look at him with dark eyes. They were almost predatory in nature. Elio immediately got the feeling that his sweet Annie had a dark side, one that might possibly be making an appearance soon.

Fuck, that would be something.

One reason he always told himself he didn't want a long-term relationship was the sex. He didn't want boring, missionary sex once a month with some pureblood girl who cared more about parties than an actual relationship. But with Annie, he knew that wasn't even going to be close to the truth. For one, she was proving to have quite the libido for someone who had never done anything remotely intimate with another person. But another reason was because even kissing Annie felt more heavenly than anything he'd ever done. Maybe it was that emotional connection his mother always implored him to create with someone. He knew that sex would be incredible because he fucking loved her (also because she was the hottest girl alive but mainly because he loved her).

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