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Elio spent most of the second day pacing around Scorpius's room nervously. Tonight—the second night of the Malfoy Masquerade—he would get another chance with her. He couldn't screw it up. Elio had already sent his mystery girl running once. He wasn't sure his heart could take a second time. Not when it had finally found a girl worthy of its affections, one he himself was entirely unworthy of. 

"Dude, you are driving me insane," Scorpius complained with a groan. "Go outside. Have a drink. Fucking fap or something.  Do anything other than walk around the room with anxiety. Y bad vibes are infecting me."

Elio scowled. He was already in his suit and mask because there was only an hour left until guests could arrive and he needed to feel like he was preparing for the night. "If you're not going to be helpful, shut the fuck up."

Scorpius just grinned. "This is hilarious. Remind me to use this weekend as blackmail for the rest of my l."

Perhaps Elio would have found it hilarious if he wasn't fucking obsessing over the girl whose kiss still had his lips tingling. I need you Little Mouse. I need you like I need air to breathe. And without her, he was suffocating.

An hour later (on the dot, of course), he and Scorpius were making their way down to the Grand Ballroom. Elio was walking himself through what he would do when he finally saw her again. He would go to her and ask her for a dance where he would beg on his knees if he had to for a second chance with her. He wouldn't try for a kiss—that would be pushing his luck—but perhaps he could finish the night holding her hand. Yes, that would be wonderful. Perfect, even.

One hour passed. Then two. Then four. Until the night was winding down and Elio hadn't seen even a glimpse of her. He had walked around the room several times in his anxious pacing, which drove Scorpius berzerk. She's not here. His heart sunk just at the thought. She's not here. I've lost her. 

Elio Nott hadn't known much unhappiness in his life. He was sorted in Slytherin house just like his parents, made the Quidditch team as a seeker in his second year, and led his house to three consecutive House Cups. He was extremely popular, never lacking for friends but always sharing a special closeness with Scorpius. He'd never had a relationship but that was out of choice and it wasn't like he hadn't had his fair share of women. He came from a loving, wealthy home that gave him anything he could ever want and spoiled him with gifts and affection. No one who knew Elio would ever dare to call him unhappy. They would have been lying. He wasn't even sure if he had ever been sad before in his life.

Until he went that second night without seeing her. Until he knew what it was like to have his heart shatter simply because he didn't see the woman he was devoted to. Until he knew what it was like to fear that he wasn't good enough, that he had lost her for good. 

"She's not here," he whispered when Scorpius came up to him. Elio just sat with his head in his hands there in the now-empty ballroom while even the band packed up their instruments to rest before the final night. "She didn't come. I've lost her."

"Cheer up, mate. You'll find her." But even Scorpius didn't sound convinced.

The sound of clacking heels echoed through the room before a hushed voice asked, "What's wrong with Elio?"

"The girl he loves didn't come tonight. He's afraid he won't ever see her again."

Aunt Astoria chuckled as if Elio was simply being overdramatic. Perhaps he was but he had never felt like this before. He had never really felt anything for anyone—except perhaps his parents and his best friend. He didn't want to lose this feeling, not when he had finally found it. 

"Oh! She wasn't feeling well tonight so I ordered her to rest in her room. She'll be here tomorrow." Elio's eyes snapped up to her, hope blooming again after he was sure he had lost her.

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